When cupid comes... by SmiLeAndRockTheWrld

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21 July 2013

Q1. What's the name of the book?

A. When cupid comes...

Q2. What is the genre of your book?

A. Teen fiction, romance

Q3. What gave you the  idea for your book?

A. Well, actually I got the character in my mind first. The main lead, Thomas is one of my favourite from all my stories. His personality came to my mind and then I gave story a shape.

Q4. Can you give a summary of your book?

A.  When Cupid comes is my first short story. We can say it's basically a love triangle. The main lead and the hero of our story is Thomas McCartney, the story revolves around him. Being a son of busy and rich parents he always had to leave his place and move to an all new place, all new school to all new people. He had friends all over the world because of that, he is very friendly and jolly person and makes friends easily. Girls love him, some guys do envy him, of course but he's just him. He always had his way out of everything His start in this town doesn't start so well and he already misses his old place and stated a hatred for this place until he met that one girl and fell in love with her insanely. What happens after that lets find out... Hope you guys enjoy reading... 

Q5. Why do you believe it is a good read?

A.  Well um... it's not really an overused cliché, this story has some twist, some unexpected twists as well. A short story of five chapters. Thomas is a fun character. 

Q6. What would you like to say to those  who read your book?

A. Well I just wanna to say that I hope whoever reads it enjoys it. It enlightens your mood in some way or other. Hope u can relate. Also I am planning a sequel for the story so I hope u will give it a chance and like it.

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