Chapter 10

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I had successfully managed to avoid the topic of me returning to Mirante when Ollie walked me back to my Apartment. He naturally took up a position on my left by the sidewalk. We walked at a comfortable pace and were enjoying light hearted chit chat.

Ollie retold some of our favourite childhood stories. I of course had to mention the one time where he hid my copy of Jane Austen's Emma, and then told me a Gremlin had started to break into my bedroom at night and that it would steal my favourite things one at a time.

"You were petrified!" Oil chuckled and held his arm across his nose.

"And you were terribly mean!" Ollie stroked my head and slid across my back until his arm was resting comfortably on my left shoulder. An overwhelming sense of security washed over me as we continued to stroll down a quiet side road. "Why did you lie to me and I never did find my copy of Emma!"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I wanted you to be scared so I could be there to make you feel safe." Ollie said in a somewhat emotionless tone.

"Well that's very selfish thing to do for an eight year old." I replied in an equally emotionless, monotone.

"Oh, I'm sure it was. But I just liked you so much. I wanted you to feel safe around me, so you can trust me and so I can take care of you." Ollie gave me a little squeeze as he grabbed me closer by the arm. I looked up and met his glistening blue eyes once more. Seriously, how do they sparkle like that? Is there a supplement you can take or something?

I did not notice that we had stopped walking. Before long, we were stood in the middle of an empty road and outside my front door. The street light casted half a shadow across Ollie's face and further defined his profile, such mysterious and enhancing features. Ollie brushed his thumb across my right cheek and smiled. I smiled back.

"How did we ever end up like this Ollie?" His elbow next to my right arm, his hand behind my neck. My head desperately trying to prevent my tear ducts from overreacting. "I don't know Pip, but I wish I did." Ollie whispered softly. With a final push, the first tear fell. It fell straight through my heart, into my soul.

Ollie put his arms rounds around my neck and planted a kiss on my forehead. He quietly mumbled "Hey, there's no need to cry!" a couple of times before I could begin to slow down and catch my breath again. All the while remembering how embarrassing this can be if someone saw us.

"You should go and get some sleep, I'll call tomorrow to make sure you're still alive." Ollie squished my face with his palms before lifting it up in line with his. He kissed my left cheek and then my right before taking a turn to leave. I waved him goodbye in between wiping my nose. It was really attractive I assure you.

Just as I went to reach for my keys from my bag, I caught a moving shadow at the corner of my eye and it was a most familiar shadow at that!

"Riley!" I semi screamed his name before we both startled each other into a momentary shock. I must have pulled a "What the hell are you doing at my house at this hour" face because he panicked to respond.

" left this. It's getting cold and I thought you might have wanted it" Riley held out a cardigan that was very pink, and very definitely belonged to me. I reached for it and thank him for his troubles.

"You should go, it's getting fairly late." The fact that he may have seen the little episode between me and Ollie had not escaped me. I believe it was a wise decision to ask him to depart so as to avoid any potential discussions on that topic.

"Who was he?" Riley's tone took an unexpected turn and was now relatively hostile in nature!

"I don't see how it would in anyway concern you Riley. Perhaps now would be a good time to leave." My tone was firm but it only seemed to aggravate him even more, for his tone was now verging on angry.

"You ran out on me on our date, did not even notice I had left and didn't even bother to call. I already said I was sorry, what more did you want me to do?"

"I agree Riley, that I did not handle this morning's events in the most appropriate manner. I do apologise, but there really is no need to shout!" I could not even begin to fathom why Riley had to react in such a way. Although I will admit Ollie appearing from absolutely nowhere really did distract me quite a bit.

"That's not what I meant....." Riley now sound apologetic, which left me considerably more confused than before. Just before Riley could finish his sentence, a soothingly deep voice alarmed both of us.

"Is everything okay Pippa dear?" Ollie had approached me from the back and placed his left arm over my left shoulder again. "Hello there , Oliver Norman-Hughes , Prince of Vinz." Ollie held his free arm out purporting to shake Riley's hand.

Riley stared aimlessly into Ollie's face for half a second before blinking and breaking into soft laughter. "You what? Are you feeling okay?" Riley chuckled some more, albeit neither me or Ollie joined in.

"Alright then, Riley Johnson, Senior at Belfast High." The boys offered each other a strong and somewhat forceful handshake.

Ollie hung a crooked smile on his face and Riley had grinned in disbelieve.

Oh Great. This is just bloody great. 

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