Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Why did he have to smell nice? Perhaps leaving his warm embrace would have been easier if only he didn’t smell so very nice.

His musky, mysterious scent travelled up my nostrils and paralysed my brain.

When the anxiety wore off I quickly pushed Riley away. I thanked him once more for his somewhat heroic gesture and attempted, again, to make my way to class and to avoid further awkward glances. Unfortunately, my second attempt was as unsuccessful as the first.

“Are we going to talk?” Riley fixed his eyes on my evident distorted expression.

I paused and collected my thoughts before trying to speak, sadly not a single syllable left my mouth; largely because I had nothing to say.

My heart was overwhelmed by disappointment that Riley only noticed me when I decided to put on a dress as supposed to a dirty old pair of jeans, polished white pumps instead of my smelly converses. I hated myself for thinking I meant more to him than a silly betting game between him and his friends. My insides churned at the humiliation I felt.

Just when I was getting ready to leave the conversation in abeyance and make a haste escape, Eric’s words sound a caution to me. “..beat them at their own game.. “

“I am doubtful that there is very much to say Riley.” I turned my nose up and muttered, my tone arguably proud and obnoxious; albeit I’ve met enough stuck-up princesses in my time to borrow a leaf from their book.

“I’m not so sure!” He slammed my locker door shut and leaned towards me. His green eyes traced the outline of my face, making their way towards my chest. I quickly grabbed my books and held them in front of me whilst simultaneously taking two steps back.

“You know, in all measures you have considered to have won your bet, there really is no need to carry on this dreadful act that you are even the slightest bit interested in me.” As his face moved closer to mine, I found myself bending significantly backwards just to escape his breath. I finally pushed my palm into his face and ended the madness.

“I like you. See you around…Mate!” Riley stood up straight, chuckled and made his way to class. The obvious joke about my British accent could pass off as endearing, although my main concern lies with the “I like you” part of the sentence.

What even is this game? How do I play this? Eric would know! Eric always knows!


“I think he’s playing you again, and it’s unacceptable. Get revenge!!!” Lily commented as she stuffed her mouth with yet another piece of pizza, it was supposedly my second piece but there were no trace of her remorse.  

As it was a Friday night, I invited the gang to stay at my Apartment. Eric, a Prince in his own country but a King of gossip, turned up armed with cupcakes and popcorn.

“Guys are sly like that, they remind you of the good things about being with him. The scent, the clothes, the smiles. They wheel you in and let you fall for his trap so he can play you again and again. Until one day, he realises that you are head over heels for him and he’s bored of you, then he takes out a knife and stabs you right where it hurts.” Eric waved his cupcake in the air then struck it towards my chest. I took the cupcake off him and took a huge bite. I refuse to believe that Riley didn’t feel an ounce of honest emotion when he was with me on that date.

 “What do I do now? What is the game plan as it were?” Deflated, I asked. Lily, Victoria and Eric glanced at each other in the most unsettling way, each wearing an evil grin.

“Ask him on a date!”Eric held his hands together and muttered.

The others appear to be supportive of this idea, me on the other hand, am not so sure. But they say disappointment often clouds judgement, I picked up my phone and called Riley expecting to reach his voice mail only to be greeted by the chimes of his sweet “Hello.” My voice trembled and quivered with nerves, I just about managed to say “Hi it’s Pippa.”

The others all watched me like a test monkey in a laboratory, quickening me by way of hand gestures and mouthing words.

“….How do you fancy a date?...With me?...Tomorrow?” What. on. earth have these three made me do? Please say you’re busy to spare us both the embarrassment.

“Thought you’d never ask, I’ll pick you up at 5. Bye.”

I hung up the phone and took a moment to ponder the situation. Eric grabbed my arms and shook me back to reality. “Now, you just remember one thing. Make him fall for you! Make him fall so hard that when you leave, he will never ever EVER manage to get back up again!”

Sometimes I worry. I worry that Eric and I are related, by blood and that such cruel and manipulative qualities are genetically inherited.

I cannot however deny the thought of revenge fills me with a bizarre sense of thrill.  

I think I might be a monster!

I think I want revenge!

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