15 | Eichen House

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Chapter Fifteen

After seeing the creepy painting that was connected to the Beast of Gevaudan, Scott, Liam, and I trudged into the animal clinic. Malia and Braeden were tiredly waiting there. Along with Deaton. Then we went back to Scott's house, and devised a quick plan, before Scott, Stiles, and I jumped into Stiles' jeep and took off.

Technically, we were participating in a high speed chase...but it's not something I haven't done before.

"Unit Nine, I think we've got eyes on the same thing...some kind of rabid animal." A male voice spoke over Stiles' police radio.

I lean between Scott and Stiles as we continue to speed behind the police cars. "All Units stay back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." Stiles warns over the radio.

"Stiles, get off the radio." Sheriff Stilinski complains over his radio, causing me to laugh as Stiles and Scott held their same concerned faces. "All Units alert. Wait for back-up. Repeat, no one goes near this thing."

"Unit Five reporting a sighting on Hill Road southbound..." A female voice, sounding specifically like Hayden's sister, says through the radio.

"Unit Nine, I've got it turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood.." A male voice chimes in,

"All units, this is Dispatch. We've got a 911 call with additional sighting on Mitchell." A deeper voice adds before my eyebrows furrow.

Beacon Hills Hospital...

"Wha- Stiles..." I start, holding my confused look. "Beachwood to Mitchell leads straight to the hospital."

Stiles' eyes widen, along with Scott's, and he quickly grabs the radio again. "Dad-"

"Stiles, get off this channel." Mr. Stilinski affirmed, causing me to snort.

"Dad, just listen to me, okay? It's headed for the hospital, all right. He's headed for Beacon Memorial." Stiles warns, "You hear me? He's headed for the hospital."

I lean over and snatch the radio from his hand, "Liz was the one who found out, okay? Elizabeth Shields. I repeat, Elizabeth Shields just thought up this information-"

Stiles quickly grabs the radio back, glaring at me as we continued to speed behind the cop cars.

Let's go catch ourselves a beast...

After listening in on a few more conversations on the police-radio, the three of us cautiously walked into Beacon Memorial.

The loud sound of a gun cocking behind us, caused me to jump. When the three of us frightfully turned around, we were faced with the Sheriff holding a finger to his lips.

Just then, a giant roaring sounds from the above floors, along with some shaking and crumbling. I listen carefully before talking again,

"Fourth floor." Scott and I speak in unison, as I earn an odd look from everyone, before we took off deeper into the hospital.

We slowly follow behind the Sheriff when we reach the fourth floor, since he's the one with the loaded gun. Before anything else happened, a giant fireball-thing flew past us, hitting the wall.

It was Parrish.

Stiles' father made his way over to Parrish, "Parrish you okay?" he asked, receiving no response. "Deputy." he loudly spoke, causing Parrish to blink a few times and shake his head. He began frantically looking at his surroundings.

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