"When I edit" (poem, free verse) January 14th

12 4 2

When I edit my sentences I usually remove an extensive amount of unnecessary adjectives and nearly all of my adverbs, add suspenseful drama that is still believable, and cut down on long and seemingly pointless character conversation so that my sentences are significantly clearer, much crisper, noticeably shorter, and far easier to understand.

When I edit I usually remove unnecessary adjectives and adverbs, add believable drama, and cut down on character conversation, making my sentences clearer, crisper, shorter, and easier to understand.

When I edit I usually remove adjectives and adverbs, add drama, and lessen character conversation, making my sentences clearer, crisper, and shorter.

When I edit I usually make my sentences clearer, crisper, and shorter.

When I edit I make my sentences shorter.

Was something lost?

(A/N: It was late, ok?)

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