A Marriage Proposal

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BOOK: A Marriage Proposal

AUTHOR: bellasonline

SUMMARY: 'A week is all that he had to win her or he would lose her forever!'*

It was 5 years since her high-school sweetheart left the small town and her love, for the flashing lights of city. And now he was back, with an exotic beauty by his side. Erika Felton was devastated then and she was sad to know that she still felt something for him; but she wasn't sure what it was! Was it love? Or was it just the remains of past? Jensen Brady was forever in love with the petite, freckled, brown haired beauty, but to her he was her life-time enemy, a jerk, a bad-boy. What could he do? He had to hide behind the mask of a jerk, so that his affection would always be safe, where she couldn't see. But now Harry Bronco was back and Jensen wasn't ready to lose her to him, yet again. So could he win her? Could he fight against the past love and a perfectly polished man? Only time could tell...


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