The Date

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Today's the day. The morning and afternoon went by in a blink of an eye. It's around 4:00pm and I'm nervous as can be. Picking out clothes for a date was never my specialty so I was pretty thankful for that last minute run yesterday. I'm standing in my bathroom looking down at my small amount of makeup I owned. "Well I'm gonna have to make use of what I got", taking out my primer, foundation, mascara, and a duo eyeshadow palette. I try to take my time to make it look decent but my nerves get in the way and I get it done in a matter of 5 minutes. The somewhat smoky effect I did to my eyes really made me proud. "It's not so bad", I then cringe at my remark taking a second look at it in actual lighting. Shoving my makeup bag back into the drawer I move onto my hair. With no clue what to do, I untangle my straightener from everything in the basket of hair accessories and what not. As I come to straighten the first piece of my hair my phone buzzes.

*Text Message From Paul*
          When you're ready I have something waiting outside for you. :)

          I stand there smiling at my phone but then I soon realize ITS ALREADY 5:00 AND I HAVEN'T DONE MY HAIR OR GOTTEN DRESSED. LET ALONE IT TAKES 30 MINUTES TO GET THERE PLUS TRAFFIC. I hurry up and straighten my hair. Then taking a cream and rubbing it through my hair to calm the frizziness. I run downstairs to grab the bag that had my dress in it and realized it wasn't there. "No No No this can't be I have to be out the door in 15 min-", I find a medium sized box on my living room couch with a note attached.

          Don't worry, I hung up your dress in your closet. I thought that I could do a small favor and get you a little something. Open it. -Paul

           I open the box and a red lace dress is revealed through the white tissue paper covering it. I take it out and take in its beauty of red floral lace and its tightness. It hits me that I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry my ass up so I hurry up and undress to slip on my dress in the living room. I go upstairs to grab my nude colored heels and my black handbag that was suppose to go along with my black dress but went even better with the one Paul had gotten me. I check myself in the mirror and notice how it hugged my small curves yet didn't make me look super skinny, it made me look beautiful. I touch up my hair really quickly and attempt to rush out the door in heels. As I glance outside I notice a black limo waiting for me outside my door step with a gentlemen standing right there guiding me to the car. I walk down the few steps to the sidewalk and the usher opens the door for me to enter. I get in trying not for it to look like I'm struggling with a tight ass dress on with heels that I'm not comfortable wearing. He then closes the door and gets into the drivers seat. It was beautiful. The black leather seats to the sun roof and even a small bucket on the seat in front of me with a bottle of champagne saying drink me. We soon drive off into the traffic of Philly. I ponder whether text Paul to say thank you but hesitate to realize it would be better to say in person. I couldn't stop smiling for all he had done for me in such a small amount of time and also that I didn't spill the champagne while opening it. I sip it and glance at my phone for the time 5:52. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see very much out of them while we were driving to know where we were at. He stopped the car and got out of his seat. Guessing we were here. The door opens to Paul standing there in a black suit looking so handsome that my heart starts to beat out of my chest. "My lady", He offers me his hand and I take it to get out of the car. He closes the door behind me and we make our way to the magnificent restaurant awaiting for us. "I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you did for me today. Everything was amazing." He opens the door to the restaurant to let me enter first, "I see you didn't decline my offer of the dress and do you look absolutely stunning." My face was turning the color of the dress and I couldn't help but smile. "What name has your reservation been put down under?" the hostess asks. "Haver", Paul said. She looks down at her list, "Ah okay you reserved the whole back deck I see." "Yes I did but it's only for two people." He looks down at me and smiles. I squeeze his arm and he lets out a small laugh as we follow the hostess to our seat. "Here you are. The bottle of wine will be out shortly." "Thank you miss", he says as he pulls my chair out for me to sit down and then goes over to claim his seat in front of me. The restaurant had me speechless. It was on an old ship that was obviously turned into a restaurant but still sat on the river for a beautiful view. It was 6:15 and the sun was starting to set. "It's beautiful." He looks up from his menu and looks at me with his soft green eyes. "I really do appreciate this", I let out as the waiter brings out the wine. "Are you ready to order?", He glances at me first and I stumble with my menu trying to order this fancy oyster dish that actually sounded pretty good and then Paul orders something I've never heard of but I sadly act like I have. The waiter takes our menus and Paul opens the wine to poor me a glass and then his. "I would like to make a toast," he raises his glass up and continues "I would like to thank the most gorgeous and humble yet very funny woman for these past couple of days and for what's to come tonight with this dinner." He chuckles and our glasses meet to a *clink* and we both take a drink. "So how did you manage to sneak a dress into my home?", he raises his eyebrows and he smirks. "Just a little something I did this morning when you left your key under your mat to get a morning coffee." "So is this whole breaking into my apartment thing a new hobby?" We both settle into laughter. "No I just like to surprise once in awhile." "Oh sure." We sit there drinking our wine and having conversations about the weirdest things but they still seemed romantic in a way. Our food comes out and does it smell delicious. I cross my legs to set my napkin on my lap and our feet bumped each other's. I get a frightened look and glance up at him to him laughing at me but in a cute friendly way. I try to hide my embarrassment and carry on with eating. "So how is it?" I said as I went to grab the bottle of wine and he managed to do the same thing as me and he grabs the bottle as my hand is under his. The warmth from his hands felt nice and we both let go as a cloud of hormones are obviously surrounding us because our chemistry was so obvious yet I don't know if he knew that I was ready to have him in my own bed. It's not really the first thing you think about on a first date but my mind couldn't contain itself when I was with him.
          We finish up with dinner as he pays for the check. "I hope you had a nice dinner", the waiter said as he grabs the money and tip from the table. We walk out onto the street. "Would you like me to drive you home?", he managed to ask as we were brushing each others arms as we walked in the darkness with the cities lights lighting us up. I looked up at him and grinned, "That would be great just as long as you can maybe stay for a bit once you drop me off." His eyes were bright in his response of a laugh and he grabbed my hand. Our hands were now tangled with each others as we walked to his car.

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