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The next day, I went to school with Louis for the entire day. It started off normal. I woke up in the morning a lot earlier than I would have liked for being on vacation, but if it meant I got to spend more time with Louis, then I was all for it. I took a warm shower, and when I was done, I was greeted with Jay making us pancakes for breakfast. I sat down at the dining table and began to eat dinner with Louis' sisters. Throughout this entire morning, I hadn't seen Louis once. Curiosity got the best of me, and I went up to his room to see what he was doing. Being the stupid person I am, I didn't bother to knock. When I walked in, I was greeted with the sight of a shirtless and pantless Louis. Even though he was still wearing boxers, it was still an awkward exchange. Louis turned around in shock and immediately tried to cover himself.

"Shit sorry!" I yelled as I attempted to leave the room.

"No it's okay. It's nothing you probably haven't seen before," He said matter-of-factly. I nodded in agreement.

"I was just wondering when you were coming down for breakfast," I explained, still trying to look anywhere but his almost naked body.

"After I get dressed," Louis replied with a smirk on his face.

"Well I guess I will just leave you to it then," I said as I closed the door to his bedroom. I headed back downstairs to continue eating breakfast. When I arrived downstairs, Jay and the girls had already left for school. Not too soon after I sat down to eat again, I heard Louis' feet tumbling down the stairs. He was in all black, as per usual, with some black eyeliner on. He grabbed a pancake from the plate in front of me and grabbed his backpack.

"Let's go or else we are going to be late," He commented as he walked out the door. I stood up quickly and followed him out the door.

When we arrived at school, everyone was staring at us. Louis simply ignored them, and I didn't know how he could do that. In the first half of the day, I just followed Louis to all of his classes and remained quiet for the most part. A lot of people seemed to be staring at us with questioning looks, but nobody had asked about it yet. That is until lunch. When we got to the lunch table, Louis' friends were not afraid to ask about the odd arrangement.

"Who is this?" The raven haired from the other day asked. Louis shrugged and continued to eat his sandwich.

"C'mon, mate. You gotta tell us who he is!" The obnoxious blond across the table yelled.

"He's a mate from my old school. He's just visiting," Louis answered, clearly frustrated with all the questions being asked. The guys continued to converse, and I just sat there and enjoyed the food on my tray. Everything seemed fine until a lad probably the same age as us tripped right behind Louis and accidentally spilled his lunch tray all over Louis. Everyone gasped in shock. I expected Louis just turn around and say it was okay, but boy was I wrong. Louis turned around to see the frightened boys eyes. I could see the anger radiating off of Louis' face.

"What the fuck was that for, nerd? How about you watch where you are going, you clumsy piece of shit!" Louis screamed at him. The poor boys eyes watered, and he just stood there frozen with fear. My mouth opened in shock at what Louis had just said. My sweet Louis just called someone a clumsy piece of shit? I stood up and started helping the poor boy clean up the mess he had made. This clearly made Louis even more mad.

"What the fuck are you doing, Harry?" He yelled. Everyone's attention was definitely on us now.

"I'm helping this poor guy pick up his food," I replied, slightly irritated.

"The food that he dumped all over me!" Louis yelled even louder.

"It was an accident! What the fuck is your problem?" I yelled back. Instead of picking up the rest of the food, I grabbed onto the boy's arm and guided him out of the lunchroom without a glance back. We walked down the hall and walked into the bathroom.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. He looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Yeah. Why did you do that?" He replied with a shaky voice.

"Because nobody should be treated that way. My name is Harry," I said as I held out my hand.

"My name is Liam," He said as he took my hand.

For the rest of the day, I followed Liam around to all of his classes. I continued to find out more things about him and his opinion on Louis. As it turns out, Louis has done much worse to other people. I just can't believe he would do something like that. Luckily, Liam didn't have any classes with Louis for the rest of the day. However, when the final bell rang, I was forced to face reality, I had to go home and see Louis.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a while. Truth is, I've been working a different fanfic of mine that I am super excited about. I haven't published it yet because i want it to be finished before I post it so you guys don't have to wait for an update (and I don't have a name for it). So i was thinking that maybe you guys could come up with a name for it? Here's a summary.

Louis is a spy. One day when he goes out on a routine mission, he meets Harry. Not too long after the meet, they fall in love, but life isn't always rainbows is it? When their house is attacked, and Louis has nowhere else to go, what will happen? And most importantly, how is he supposed to save Harry?

Thanks guys! I'm super excited for this one. Either comment or private message me if you have an idea for a title of this story. Thanks!!

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