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a·wak·en  /əˈwākən/ ver. rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping.


A low humming noise suddenly filled the apartment.

Beeps and clacks, the sound of a computer starting up rang in my ears, temporarily interrupting my hearing. Before I could react, a flash of light shone in my arms, and the robot disappeared within my grasp.

I raised a hand to cover my eyes because the light started to grow bigger and bigger, until it was all but gone from existence. I breathed out in relief, refusing to open my eyes for fear that something might’ve manifested in the middle of the carpet. Something that was capable of creating such a sight.

But eventually, I felt someone—something—near me in my lap.

I opened my eyes.

Round, amber eyes stared at mine. Long white hair fell in puddles around my legs. The robot had awaken, and she was looking right at me.

A single word came out from her rosy lips. “Bee?”

It sounded like a question. The robot blinked her eyes, bright, and confusion etched itself into her artificially perfect face.

Now, I would’ve been able to react quicker if she hadn’t been missing her bandages around her body.  

“B-b-bee?” I managed to say, keeping my eyes locked onto hers. I didn’t want to look down.


She was so naked.

I blamed it on my hormones. Stupid. Here I was getting excited over a machine, and she wasn’t even human.

“Bee,” she said again, her face blank. “Bee?”

Suddenly, she shifted from her sitting position, to actually getting on her knees and crawling towards me, like a baby. My heart leaped up in my throat. I couldn’t move.

Her small, soft hands came near my legs. She placed them on top of my thighs, and that was it.

I was on the couch.

The robot, blinked again in that way of hers, and she came closer to me. Damn, she was persistent. All I wanted to do was to get away from her as far as possible until she had some clothes she could wear. There was no way I could mull this over in my head with her on the floor naked like that. I shrank back into the couch while she continued to crawl towards me until her face was inches from mine.


“Bee?” I asked, feeling my breathing quicken.


I said it again. “Bee. Is that your name?”

She didn’t seem to be understand. “Bee?”

I sighed this time. As I did, I heard her say ‘Bee’ again, repeating it a few times. I looked up from her, wondering why and how I had gotten into this mess, and her entire face changed.

“Bee!” she shouted in instant joy, throwing her arms around me in a tight bear hug. I really didn’t need this at all.

I felt her entire body press against mine. “Okay, okay!” I shouted, desperately trying to escape the robot’s hold. She was very strong, surprising considering the fact that she was smaller and weighed less than me.

Before I could fully tear her away, a knocking came at the door. I froze.

More knocking.

The robot peered up at me, and I felt myself sweating bullets.

The knocking kept going, until I heard someone say my name.

“Eric? It’s me, Peter! Open the door!”

Shit! Why was Peter at my house at this time of hour? We both went to the same school, and he was a personal close friend of mine. He was an expert at these robot-thingy’s. If the robot I found hadn’t been so naked I would’ve asked him about it. But no, there was no way in hell that was happening at this point in time.

“Uh, coming!” I said. I started to panic. What would he think if he saw the robot here?

“Bee!” I whispered to the robot who tightened her grip around my neck in response. Not what I was looking for.

“Bee, I want you to hide somewhere!”


“Yes!” I heaved myself up off the couch, but her arms were still secured around my neck. Without thinking, I wrapped my own arms around her body and lifted her up, half-running, half-walking in search of a room I could put her in to hide her.

The robot didn’t protest. Or I didn’t think it would’ve.

I threw her onto my bed and slammed the door shut, running back to the front door and unlocking it.

“Peter!” I shouted when I opened the door to see him standing there. We fist-pumped each other.

“Eric,” he said, smiling. Peter was a fairly tall guy with glasses and a shaggy, blonde mop of hair.

“Aren’t you going to come in?” I said, but I prayed to God that he wouldn’t.

“No, no,” he stuck his hands in his jeans pockets. “I just wanted to remind you about the assignment due this monday?”

Honestly, I had forgotten about that. Peter was in my chemistry class, and since the assignment was given to us, I hadn’t been working on it lately.

“Right, right no, I remember! I’m nearly finished,” I lied. “You couldn’t just called me, dude.” I said, laughing.

He just smiled again. “I tried calling your cell, but the battery was dead, and you wouldn’t pick up your phone.”

“Oh,” I said. I wondered if he had called when I was out, or when I was getting back home after carrying a ridiculously heavy robot…

“Yeah,” Peter adjusted his glasses. “Don’t forget, it counts as half of our overall mark! I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”


“Awesome!” He chuckled. “See you around.”

And with that, he was gone. I closed the door and sighed, and went to deal with bigger matters at hand.


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