The Stupidity of School and People in them

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So good news is; they liked the fried chicken. Bad News; I have to go to school, i mean yeah I wanted to go to school ut only because I want to be around people. I mean, sure, I haven't been around humans for years, but I'm pretty sure I have enough self-control to handle it. Human blood doesn't appeal to me..... that much.

But I'll feel stupid If I don't go to school. Edward is already smarter than me, bubt I am better at fightiung but I usually never have a hand to hand combat. Usually hand to mind, but before I learned I had telekenisis, I had to learn to fight like a normal person. Err.. I wouldn't say person.... more like vampire. Yeah, thatfeels about right.

Emmet, Alice, Jasper, and I all rode in Rosalie's birght red convertibile BMW. Bella and Edward rode in his plain ol' volvo. It woulda been cool to ride in Alice's ferrari, but nooooooooooooooo.

Bella took me to the school's front office, where I got my schedule and locker combo.

"Umm, Bella?" She looked over and smiled at me.


"Last time I went to school, we had school in our schoolteachers house, and we had desks with a cubby-thing under the wood of the desk. I don't know how to open a locker." bella laughed.

"It's been a long time then, huh." I smiled

"I'm a 156 years old." I sadi queitly, so Only Bella could hear. "I didn't need to know this before i was atta- created." Whew. That was close. I almost slipped. WE got to my locker and bella showed me how to open the locker and how to get to my classes. For that I was thankful.



I was standing at my locker getting my books and shit. I heard someone trying to be quiet. They slid up next to myt locker and I said, "Hey." I slammed my locker and looked at their startled face.

"Hey!" I chiurped, smilin g at him. "You're that guy from, like, 5 of my classes!" He laughed.

'Yeah." He said. His voice was deep and rough. 'I'm Henry." Henry was pretty good looking with  curly brown hair and dark drown eyes. He nwas muscular, but looked like a baby compared to Emmet. Cute, but not so cute name.

"hello, Henry." I would have shook his hand, but my skin is too cold. "I'm Jezebel. Or Jez, whichever." I smiled and left.

"hey wait!" I kept walking. "Do y6ou wanna catch a movie on Friday?" Wow. I haven't even known his name for 30 seconds.

"No." I'm nothing if not blunt. "I'm dating someoine right now." WE yeah, i guess dating... ish.

"You never said he was your boyfriend.' I stopped and stared at him.

"Your despicable." I spat at him. I ran, or more like jogged at a human ,pace, out the doors and i neared Rose's car. Suddenly I felt a presence, a presence I used to be attrated to, a presence I thought i'd have never felt again once I left. Shit, I thought, He's back.

I turned towards his gaze, and met his eyes. His golden eyes. Last I'd seen of him, his eyes were as red as Rosalie's car. My eyes gazed over him, but I knew they didn't hold as mush intrest as they used to. He had the same, muddy brown hair.His jaw was wide and had a sharp angle. His cheekbones were soft, but his cheeks were flat. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attactive, but I wasn't attracted to him.

"What do you want, Sebastian?" Jasper head snapped up at my words and his eyes narrowed at sebastian.

"You." Oh god, not now. Its my first day of school and I already have 2 guys trying to date me. Geez, I mean aseriously! Can't ya'll just leave me alone?!?!

"You can't have her!" All of our eyes snapped to Alice. Her cutness and sweetness was gone, and In fact, she scared me a bit right now. She actually looked like a vampire, she looked scary. "I'd like you to try and go through all of us. In fact, you cna't even beat Bella!" If it wasn't under these circumstances, I would have laughed, since Bella was the worst fighter of all of us. I'm not saying she's not good, but we were just better.

"I'll meet you in the forest." I walked by Sebastian and into the woods behind him. Just stand by, I thought to Edward. I can handle him.

"What do you want?" I asked abruptdly stopping and turning to face him.

"You, baby. What else?" Sebstian smirked at me. "I know you want me, too." I snorted.

"That's it?!" I asked, bewildered. "I am sooooo over you. I like someone else. And he likes me back!" His eyes widened. What am I not pretty enough to be liked?? I turned and stalked away, but he grabbed my arm.

"I know your secret." He whispered in my ear. "Both of them. YOur werewolf boyfriend. Your soulmate. And I know the Volturi would love to know your other secret. Have you told your brother? I bet you haven't. He thinks he does but he doesn't, does he?" I stiffened. My anger starting building up and my hands starting shaking.

"Stop it!" I screamed. I ran. Ran past the others, past the Cullen's house, past the Reservation. I saw Seth and Jacob as I past, but I wasn't in the mood to chat. I probably would cry right now if I could.

When I got to the place where Embry and I watched the sunset, I stopped running. I sat down and started to sob. Of course, I didn't have tears on my face but still. Sebastian was right. I hadn't Jasper my other secret. But Seb thought I hadn't told him about be telekenetic, but Seb didn't know about my other secret. The secret that nobody knew. And hopefully never will.


Sorry about the wait and the short chapter. I would have written longer but this seemed like a good place to stop.

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