The Whitlock Siblings

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Chapter 1

Jezebel's P.O.V.

So I'd heard from the coven of Amazon vampires that there were veggitarian vampires here in Forks. I mean, how awesome is that?! I'm not a freak compared to other vampires anymore! That deserves a hooplah!! HOOPLAH!!

Sometimes it's hard being a nomad. Really, it is. I mean, it sounds like fun, getting to do whatever you want, buut you start to get lonely. And you miss your family and you old friends. you make new friends, but you can't replace family. Ever. Period. I miss my brother most of all. He dissapeared during a war when he was sent to lead the women and children away. One minute he was hugging me, telling me he loved me and promising to see me soon, and the next; he's gone. I cryed for days, and my parents only cried for a day. It upset me that they weren't as destated as I was so i ran away. and long story short; a vampire attacked me was and voila! I was a vampire. I wished I'd known what had happened to him...

A noise cut me off of my thoughts down memory lane. immediently I spun around and crouched in a defensive position. It was almost natural for me now.

"Who's there?" i hissed. "Whatever you're planning isn't going to work. You won't win this fight." i heard a rumbling sound; it was like an animal laughing. i heard a ripple and 3 gangly looking boys stepped out from the trees. They were studying me as I was studying them. Though one of them was looking at me as if he was a deaf person hearing music. Or a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. They were tall and tan. But the one on my right was a little plaer than the others. And the one in the middle was a bit taller.

"She looks like him don't cha think, Jake?" the paler one asked the middle one. The one on the left was still staribng at me. i gave him a WTF? look but it didn't faze him. the others looked at him curiously, but when they say his face, a knowing look spread across their face. they looked back at me, then back at they weird staring one. They smirked.

"And it's a bloodsucker" the paler one teased. i frowned, but didn't stand up.

"Who the hell are you guys?" They smiled at me and stepped forward causing me to steo back.

"We're not gonna hurt you." The middle one said. "We just needed to make sure you're the girl we're looking for." They studied me some more. "Yupp that her. I'm Jacob. That's Quil, and lover boy over here is Embry." Embry gave a small wave and blushed. Aww. How cute. i shook my head. Where had that thought come from?

"Look." Jacob said. "we need you to come with us for a suprise. For someone else."

"hell no." I shook my head. How did I know they weren't gonna kill me? "I don't even know this person!' Jacob smirked.

"Yeah, actually. You do."



I stood in the clearing with Embry. He kept on staring at me. eventually I snapped.

"Dude!" I said. "What is your problem?! Why do you keep freaking staring at me?!" but he didn't answer. instead he walked closer to me and pressed his lips again mine. I shocked myself by wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

His arms wrapped around my waist, and he deeped the kiss. Our lips moved together, and my body fit perfectly against his. Just barley know who he was for maybe a half hour and i already felt like i knew him. someone cleared their throat and we jumped apart. I hadn't heard them aproach, so I guess I was too involved with the kiss.

"jeez!" Jacob said smirked at Embry. "i thought you would have waited a week or so, not 15 minutes! Now lets go lover boy! The Cullens will be here soon. Bye, Jezebel! nice meeting you!" It probably wasn't. Embry gave a small wave and I wiggled my fingers back at him. When he was gone i touched my lips. I could still feel his lips lingering on mine. I sighed in content and sat on a near by rock waiting for my suprise.

"Jezy?" The voice was velvety smooth, yet still familar. "Is that... is that you?" I turned and saw Jasper, but he looked different. he had scars everywhere, but he was even more handsome now.

"JAZZY!" I screached and lauched myself into his arms. "oh my God! i thought you were dead! I've missed you so much!" i wrapped my legs around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you, too." He hugged me back. "I've actually missed your weird sense of humor. Kind of." I smiled and jumped off him. Only to be tackled my a small pixie-like vampire.

"I don't even know you and I'm excited to see you!" She said grinning. "How weird is that?! I'm Alice!" She got off of me and I stood up eying the other vampires around me. "don't be anti-socialers!" Alice scolded them. "introduce yourselves!" I jumped up and down and raised my hand.

"Ooh, ooh!" I said excitedly. "Pick me, pick me! I wanna go first!!!!" She laughed and nodded. "Okay so my name is Jezebel Whitlock- I won't bother you with all my middle names- and I'm Jasper's twin" They looked at me expectantly. "Do you really wanna hear my middle names cuz I have a lot." Jasper groaned and I shot him a dirty look. "Shut up! Nobody asked you!" He smiled and shook his head.

"No." Alice said elbowing Jasper. "Do you have a gift? Like I can see the future, Edward can read minds, Emmet is stonger than a normal vampire, Bella is a mental shield, and Jasper can control emotions." Ohhhhhhhhhh. I understood now. Der-dah-der. I'm an idiot. I heard someone laugh. Must be the mind reader. Get outta my head, dude, or you're in for a suprise. i laughed evily in my head, and i must have made a weird face because everyone gave my a weird look. Shit. i have to act normal.

"Oh. Um, yeah." Was my genius reply. oh, yeah. Totaly genius. They looked at me expectantly, and I realized they wanted me to tell them. "I can move things with my mind. Its pretty cool." I shrugged my shoulder as if it wasn't a big deal, and they didn't make it one. For which I was thankful.

"Hello." He looked older than the rest, but not by much. "I'm Carlisle." He held out his hand and I shook it to be polite. "It's nice to meet you." I smiled and replied with a, "Ditto." which caused Alice to giggle and Jasper to roll his eyes.

"Leave it to you to be polite one moment and saying 'Ditto" the next." Jasper said. I sent him an bewildered look.

"Well what do you want me to do?" I asked him. "Be polite the entire time, 'cause then I'd be some kinda fake barbie, like the chicks on reality shows!" Everyone laughed, and Jasper rolled his eyes again. "You shouldn't roll your eyes, Jasper. Momma said they could get stuck." I stuck my tounge out like a 5 year old. And that's when i noticed a little girl sitting on the hip of a beautiful brunette.

I let out an exaggerated gasp and put my hands on my cheeks. "Oh my gosh!" I squealed. "A baby! Can I hold her? She's so cute! Oooh! She's got you roundedish face." I said to the brunette. "But she's got his hair." I nodded to the guy next to her who had his arm around her. He's her father. I could tell. It was obivous. "What's your name, little girl?"

"Renesmee." She replied in the sweetest little voice as she climbed into my arms. "But losts of people call me Nessie." She put her hand on my neck and I gasped as pictures whizzed by in my mind. In an instant I knew her entire life story. Awww. She's so cute. Like a chipmunk! Or a button!

"I'm Bella." The brunette said and gathered Nessie in her arms. "And that's Edward." Oooh. The mind reader. Banana Pants! He chuckled.

"Hello, dear." A woman said behind me. She was standing next to Carlisle. "I'm Esme." She gave me a hug and i was introduced to the rest of the family. There was a gorgeous blonde who was Rosalie and next to her was a built guy who was Emmet.

"Hey Jez." Jasper called. "Care to explain why you smell like a dog?" Shit. Again.

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