Chapter 5: Someone's Got Anger Issues

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Chapter Five: Someone's Got Anger Issues

I arrived at school the next morning with wet hair, an atrocious breath, and a soggy piece of toast.

I threw the toast away, even I wasn't going to eat it, wrung out my wet hair, and glared at any bitch who dared to try and give me a nasty look for wringing out my hair in the school hallway. I popped a mint into my mouth and got to my locker. I got out my books and walked to my first class.

I was stared at when I walked into class, my hair still somewhat dripping onto the floor. Some were giving their mates confused looks. I rolled my eyes. Were they not smart enough to make the connection with the pounding rain outside and my soggy hair and wet shoes? I sat at a desk in the front. Always sit in the front if you don't want to be called on. The teachers think that if you're brave enough to sit in the front, you are actually quite smart (even if you're not.) Actually, don't listen to what I'm saying, I get everything wrong.

I placed my Biology textbook in front of me on the desk and was flipping through for our next lesson, when a note fluttered out of its pages. I picked it off the floor and quickly read it.

Don't forget to buy me that lingerie from Victoria's Secret I told you about yesterday. Just use your father's debit card, he won't mind when he sees how well I look in it...
buh-bye darling,
Mother dearest

I scowled as I crumpled up the note and shoved it into my pocket, disgusted by what I had read. How dare she! Who did she think she was ordering me around to buy her lingerie!?!? And seriously, writing about what my father would think when he saw her in it?! I glared into my hands and nearly threw up, recalling the last thing she had written.

Mother dearest!?!? God knew that wretched thing was not my mother. It didn't matter how many times my father had tried to claim it to be so, she was not my mother. I looked up as my biology teacher Mr.Burns walked into class and started writing on the chalk board, since, apparently, this school didn't like white boards.

I took out my notebook and started copying down notes. I was not letting my hate for that wretched thing that called herself a woman to distract me. Like I had done many times before, I shoved myself into work and pushed aside all other thoughts.

As I was getting out my notebook to take notes for my last subject before lunch, I felt something slightly scratch my hand. I looked down to see a note that had been thrown at me. I rolled my eyes and bent down to pick up the note.

You'll pay for what you did bitch

The hell was with everyone talking to me through notes? And I would "pay for what I did"? Um, yeah, I don't think so. If whoever sent me this note had a problem with me, it was because they were too much of a child to handle the shit I had said to them. I lost a lot of friends that way, all of them actually.

Sighing, I ripped up the note and threw it out as I walked out the door and to my locker. I opened it and was about to to put my Science textbook into when it suddenly slammed shut.

I stareed at my locker for a few seconds before saying "Did someone close that or am I just a wizard?" Of course out of the corner of my eye I could see the idiot who slammed my locker shut.

"You're not a fucking wizard!" The boy beside me growled angrily.

"And you're not a damn werewolf so chill the fuck out." I responded, turning on my heels to face him. Oh lord, it's the tall idiot I got in trouble yesterday.

"I will not chill the fuck out! I have a bone to pick with you."

"Umm, no thanks. You can pick some bones with your friends. I'm sure you'll find some good ones."

"I'm not kidding!"

"And neither am I. I'm sure you'll find some good ones."

He breathed in deeply and slowly let out his breath. Locking his dark, hazy grey eyes on my boring not-even-dark-enough-to-be-black eyes, he took a step closer. "You're the bitch who got me in trouble yesterday and now I'm going to make your life a living hell."

I turned on my heel and walked away, calling out behind me "My life is already hell darling! Sorry!" Behind me I could hear him hit something hard.

Well, looks like someone's got anger issues.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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