Chapter Three: A Taste Of Drama High

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Chapter Three: A Taste of Drama High

I waltzed into class like the fabulous and charming woman I was.

By that I mean I tripped over my own feet when walking into my first class, the mysterious room 35C. I stood up and brushed myself off while the rest of the class, teacher included, laughed their asses off at me. "I was just hugging the floor." I say, attempting to cover up my fall. "It looked like it needed a good hug. Every floor needs a good hug. A floor hug a day, keeps... Umm... Things away. That's my motto." I say, finally just giving up on my lame attempt. I walked to the middle of the class and take the only seat available.

"Ahem." The teacher, who must have been Ms.Abeneezer "coughed" loudly, indicating for everyone to shut up. "You must be our new student, please introduce yourself to the class." She asked, in a commanding tone, as soon as everyone had quieted down, though there were a few snickers left. I didn't understand why though, it was perfectly normal to want to hug the floor. Ok, maybe it wasn't, but it wasn't that funny.

"Hello, I'm Belle White. Yes, I know, it's so incredibly funny that I'm named after two princesses. Actually, no it isn't . Mention it and I rip out your eyeballs and feed them to you. Anyways, I'm pretty weird, I suppose, but weird isn't bad so it's ok. This seems like a very great school and I'm so glad to be here." I finish, the last sentence I say through gritting teeth and a Anti-Smile smile. It's a lie I'm forced to say, because honestly, this already seems like a terrible school. But they buy my act and Ms.Abeneezer continues the roll call she was doing before I stumbled into her classroom. Sometimes I wonder if they, any of the schools I had ever gone to, had really cared about me and what I was doing there.

Probably not. But then again, I don't care about them either.
The morning flies away in a whirlwind of people and classes and things I've already learned before, when suddenly it is lunch time. I eagerly walk into the cafeteria, after having to get directions several times from Uncle Rick, and step onto the lunch line. I grab a tray, put some food on it, pay for it, and look around for a table off to the side that I could sit at.

I find one and am just finishing putting ketchup on my burger when I hear a loud "Ahem!" from in front of me. I look up to see the brunette I sat next to in room 35C (don't know why I didn't just call it Algebra) staring down at me with a smile on her face. Having the mother that I have, I could easily spot out a fake smile from a real smile. On a scale of 1-10, this was a 6.

"Hi, I'm Sabrina!" She said, sitting down on the other side of me. She had one of those voices that made me think that she squealed 3/4 fourths of the time. "You're the new girl right? Remember me? I sat next to you in Algebra and filled you up on ALL the latest gossip." She said, smiling even brighter and clapping her hands together as she squealed.

Oh I remembered sitting next to Sabrina all right. By the time I had gotten out of Algebra( or the amazing room 35C as I seemed to like to call it), I knew the dirt on just about everybody, knew what was hot and what was not, and which colors were socially acceptable to wear together. I didn't know why she had told me about the colors though, we had a uniform so it wasn't like I could possibly pick the wrong colors.

"Yah, I remember you darling, you were the one who shared your great knowledge with me." I said, smiling at her, scoring a perfect ten on the fakeness scale. She bought it though and continued.

"Ooo, goody! You seem so cool, wayyyy to cool to be sitting alone by yourself! Come to the popular table,it's much better than over here." She said while I tried to figure what was happening here. Was she truly just inviting me over to the popular table or was she trying to get at something else?

"No thank you sorry, but I quite enjoy it over here." I replied, biting off a piece of my cheeseburger. She looked at the burger as if it were a deadly disease before continuing.

"C'mon, don't you wang hangout with the cool kids? It wouldn't be good for your social status if you hang around with these peasants." Sabrina said, looking as if she was completely sure she had just won me over.

They were all a bunch of rich people's kids who went to the same school, how was anyone a peasant? This Sabrina chick was really starting to piss me off which was why I was gritting my teeth as I said "For the last time, I am NOT interested. I honestly don't care about my social status because if I start caring about one of those, I'll be needing to have a thing called a life and I don't want one of those anytime soon. So, if you could just bounce your way back to the 'popular table' it would be very much appreciated."

Her mouth hung open. Please tell me this wasn't the first time that she had ever been denied something because if it was, I was getting out of this school right now. I didn't have time to deal with some whiny brat who wanted to gossip with me about the hottest guys in school. Actually,I didn't mind gossiping about hot guys, but I just didn't want to do it with her. But maybe I was judging too quickly. Maybe she was more than she seemed. Probably not.

She glared at me, standing up and pushing the chair down as she stalked away quickly stalked away. But not before calling out "You'll regret your stupid decisions later!"

I was already regretting coming to a school where I couldn't finish my lunch in peace.

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