30-"I couldn't help falling for you."

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Leo Fitz was a prince. And one day he was destined to marry a princess from another nation. Or that was his parents plan for him. Fitz on the other hand,had found love much closer to home.

Fitz had met Jemma at a young age. She was the daughter of one of his father's squires and was always around,at the castle.Being the only kids the same age,Leo and Jemma had become best friends. But now they were getting older and their chemistry was brewing. And Fitz knew he had to act before it was too late.

Fitz was having a masked ball for his 18th birthday. It wasn't his idea. It was his mothers, a way for him to interact and get to know other princesses. Fitz had moaned and sulked but his parents had made it pretty clear it was going ahead and the worst thing of all, Jemma wasn't invited.

That evening Fitz stood and looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. He'd half halfheartedly slopped on a suit and ran a comb through his hair once. He really wasn't looking forward to tonight. He didn't want to marry someone who just wanted him for his wealth and power. He didn't want to marry a slut either or a walking barbie doll. He wanted someone who accepted him for who he was, who was smart and beautiful at the same time. Fitz already knew someone with all those qualities.

When Fitz entered the ball room the first thing he noticed was that it was unbearably loud. There was plenty of girls stood round. Giggling and gossiping or dancing with other men on the dance floor. They all wore incredibly long dresses and had their hair piled high into masses of curls. Even with masks over their faces Fitz could practically tell they were all the same. Boring. Personalitiless. Fitz groaned before sauntering over to the food cart were he found his good friend,Hunter, practically gobbling up everything in sight.

"Mate!" Hunter exclaimed,his mouth full.
"You're drunk." Fitz observed,before leaning on a wall behind him.
" 'M not drunk, just living...besidessss...Bobs nowhere to be seen to be telling me offfff!" Hunter slurred and gained a small chuckle from Fitz.
"Well at least you're having fun," Fitz commented before picking up a slice of meat and placing it in his mouth.
"Why aren't you having fun?" Hunter exclaimed,practically spitting food everywhere,"It's your birthday and there is like beautiful birds everywhere!"
Fitz sighed and was about to respond when Daisy and Lincoln ambled over and joined the conversation.
"Sorry to ear wig," Daisy cut in," But Fitz isn't having fun because he misses Jemma." Daisy smirked as Fitz's ears tinted pink.
"Aww Mate!!" Hunter exclaimed whacking the Prince on the back.
"I don't miss Simmons," Fitz uttered embarrassed," I Just presume it'd be a lot more interesting with her here."

Fitz slouched even more against the wall in dismay as the bright lights from around the room dazed his eyes.
"Maybe you should go try mingle,at least?" Lincoln told him,before turning to look at Daisy.
Fitz cursed gruffly under his breath before diverting his eyes to the floor. Even his 'friends' approved of this stupid marriage idea.
"Oy grumpy cat!" Daisy exclaimed catching Fitz's attention." Why don't you go talk to her?" Daisy's hand was stretched out towards girl stood alone in the corner.
Fitz looked up and stared at the girl. She was wearing a blue dress, which wasn't over the top. She had short brown hair,gently curled sbout shoulder length and her mask was simple and white;yet Fitz found himself admiring this girl way more than anyone else here.

Fitz was still in a trance when he found himself being shoved across the crowded room.
"It wasn't an option,Fitz." Daisy told him,"It was an order."
Before he knew it Fitz found himself flying into the girl.
"I'm so sorry!" He immediately exclaimed jumping backwards and nervously smiling.
"No,don't be it's my fault for being so clumsy," she chuckled and somehow Fitz though he recognized the voice. But he shook it off.
"So what are you doing here all alone?" He asked curiously.
"I find all of them other girls pretty boring to be honest, all they care about is which handsome man will knock them up next. I'm not into that jazz. I prefer science," she told him, ever so slightly moving her mask.
Fitz already liked this girl and felt like he knew her.
"And why are you all alone,Prince Leo Fitz?" She questioned and Fitz thought he could hear a flirtatious tone in her voice. He slowly leant back placing a hand on his hip and raised and eyebrow.
"Same reasons as you to be honest,everyone here is pretty boring. Except the food!" He joked and the girl burst into laughter.

They talked with each other for a long time. Flirting.Teasing.Bonding slowly but in the back of his mind all he could think about was how this would upset Jemma.
Before the party was over the girl asked him a question.
"Dance with me?"
Fitz breathed shakily. " Of course." He stuttered back and he took her delicate hand and led her onto the dance floor.
Fitz was taken a back at how good a dancer this mystery woman was. They were close so each other that he could feel her body heat radiating onto him and her breath on his neck which almost felt too familiar.

A few steps away Lincoln and Daisy were also dancing but also watching Fitz's every move.
"Do you think he knows?" Lincoln muttered into her hair, quietly.
"Deep down,yeah,"she responded with a smile before kissing his neck line and letting out a low groan.

When the song was over Fitz and the girl stood in the same place staring into each others souls. Fitz so wanted this girl to remove her mask so he knew who she was.
" Thank you,your highness." The girl chuckled."That was probably the best dance I've ever had."
It was now or never,Fitz thought.
"You remind me of..." But he was interrupted by the King yelling.

"It looks like Leo Fitz has found his princess!" He declared and all eyes diverted to the couple. Fitz looked down at their linked hands and nervously smiled.
"So Leo,who is she?" his mother asked.
"I don't know mother..." He trailed off. But deep down he realized he did.
"Okay,fair maiden,please take off your mask and reveal yourself!"The king exclaimed,"My Leo needs to know who he's marrying."

But Fitz already knew.

The girl hesitated and then carefully took off the mask. She then carefully placed a strand of hair behind her ears.
"It's me," a British accent spoke up," It's Jemma, your highness."
The King and Queen gaped in shock-they'd tried at all efforts to prevent this girl from coming.
"Woah Jem," Fitz said admiring his best friend," You look...amazing."
"As do you," She complimented and sent Fitz a wink.
"LEO FITZ YOU CAN NOT MARRY THE SQUIRES DAUGHTER!" The Queen's voice boomed," She is a filthy peasant!"
Jemma felt tears swarm in her eyes.
"I'm sorry.." She stuttered," I shouldn't have come...I just...I wanted Fitz to know..I...love him...Daisy helped me come yes...But it's my fault! I apologize everybody...."
She quickly turned to dash away but Fitz grabbed her hand tighter before squeezing it.
"Don't go." He called out. And she swirled round to face him once more. He stepped forward.They were inches apart now.
"I can't be here Fitz. If I stay your parents won't let us see each other again!" Jemma cried out but Fitz carefully lifter a finger to her mouth to shh her and then wiped away the tears which tumbled down her cheek.
"Let them, because they won't be able to," he reassured her and then he nervously looked down to the ground,"Because....I couldn't help falling for you! Either."

The King and Queen couldn't believe what they were hearing. But everyone else at the masquerade ball began clapping after Daisy had initiated it.
"Fitz...look at me," Jemma cooed quietly, raising a hand to his cheek.
He stared into her beautiful hazel eyes as she gazed back into his ocean blue ones.
"I love you,Prince Leo Fitz." She declared,smiling from cheek to cheek and he mirrored it.

And then she cupped the cheek she was holding and brought his lips to her. They were there for a while. Making out in front of everyone but they didn't care. They didn't care about the awkward stares they got. They didn't care about Daisy and Hunters cheers of congratulations or the King and Queens disapproval.

And as she entangled her fingers in his hair and he wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her as close to him on possible,they felt on top of the world. This was the best moment of their life.

That was until a few hours after the party, whilst Fitz and Jemma were sauntering down the corridors. Fitz asked Jemma to marry him-in the same place they had met.
Without hesitation she had said yes!
That was the best moment of their lives,their lives together to the end.
Because they got their happily ever after!

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