Day 21 - Battling side by side

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The angels we're cleaning the kitchen as Lady Palutena took a bath. "I can't believe we have to work extra tomorrow," Pit grumbled. "You started the fight," Dark Pit stated. "Well whatever, at least we'll work together."

Early in the morning, the angels we're up and battle ready. "It's so early..." Pittoo yawned. Pit laughed at him. "Alright you two, just a regular check. There shouldn't be too many enemies," Palutena explained. Pit nodded as the door opened. Pittoo squinted at the sudden brightness. Pit fell forward, insuring to grab Dark Pit as he did. "AGHHHHH!" "Pay attention idiot!" Viridi scolded. Dark Pit sighed and balanced out.

"Up there!" Pit said as a small hoard of enemies descended from above. They shot at them before they could get closer. "Some are sneaking up from behind," Palutena said. Pit whipped around and began shooting. The angels were flying back to back. "Hey Pittooooo," Pit cooed. "What?" He asked. "I got your back," he snickered. "I kinda hope you do," Dark Pit said rolling his eyes. Once they had taken out those two hoards the sky's had cleared.

"Got em! Anymore Lady Palutena?" Pit asked as he did some fancy spins around Dark Pit. "There are some up ahead," she stated. "Got ya!" He said happily. Dark Pit flew above him, "Is that it?" Pit nodded, reaching up to kiss him in the air. "We're not here for an air show! Get a move on," Viridi complained. Pit giggled and flew beside him. "There!" Dark Pit said shooting, causing them to disperse. The angels shot them as the circled around them. It wasn't long before they had either been shot, or retreated. "Good work! Let's get you back before the power of flight runs out."

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