Day 20 - Cooking Together

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The two angels made their way to the kitchen to find a note; 'I have something to do at Viridi's, I left out some food. Try not to burn down the palace!'
The angels looked at the food on the table. "Can you even cook?" Dark Pit asked. "Sure I can! You just need to um... Take the carrots and then...uh," Pit mumbled as he grabbed the vegetables. Pittoo snickered, "This will be fun."

Dark Pit was peeling potatoes at the basin. Pit was chopping carrots a little too wildly. "You're going to take a finger off," Pittoo sighed. "Please, I'm the captain of the goddess of light's guard! I can chop some- OW!" He screamed, pulling back his hand. "Pit! Are you okay?" Dark Pit asked whipping around and grabbing his arm. He saw his left hand was bleeding. A small gash on his index finger was the source. "What did I just say..." He sighed and looked in the presses for something. "It hurts..." Pit whimpered.

Dark Pit found a small bottle of hot spring water and poured it on Pit's wound. It began healing up as soon as the water made contact. Pit was avoiding Pittoo's gaze. "Hey, it's ok. Maybe we can swap jobs," he suggested, pulling him in for a hug. Pit nodded and hugged the dark angel. "I feel better now!" Pit smiled. Dark Pit rolled his eyes, "It doesn't take much."

The angels had swapped jobs. Once Dark Pit had finished chopping up the carrots he put them in to the dish and placed it in the stove. Pit dropped the heavy pot of potatoes onto the other side. "You're good at this!" Pit praised. Dark Pit puffed out his chest, "Naturally." Pit laughed, and his hand landed on a bowl of flour on the counter. He smirked as Pittoo turned around. He took a handful and through it towards him. Dark Pit froze as the flour hit the back if his head. He spun around to see Pit bent over laughing. He smirked and grabbed an over-ripe tomato. "Don't you dare!" Pit shouted diving behind the table. Pittoo jumped up and got him before he disappeared. "Oh, it's on!"
"Something smells nice, you two must have-" Palutena said as she walked into the kitchen. The two angels sat on the food covered floor, head to toe in it themselves. "Uh...welcome back Lady Palutena..."

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