30,000 Leagues Under... Hell?

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This journey through the portal was a lot more pleasant, instead of a searing sensation engulfing your body, it simply felt like a gallon of water was poured directly up your nose. Actually, that might not be that much better now that I think about it...

Anyway, Sketchy quickly solved the other adventure's breathing problem, he spontaneously created three infinite oxygen bubbles and distributed them. Sketchy put the first on himself, handed the second to Whoopie. When he turned to hand the third to Fitzy, he saw that the young cactus was wearing a red spacesuit with a bubble helmet.

"I'm alrighty here Captain! Thanks though!" Fitzy said and saluted playfully. Again, don't ask me how.

"Captain? I kinda like it." A smile played across Sketchy's face.

"Are you guys ready? Once we go in there, shit's gonna go down. I mean its going to get bad. There will be no room for messing around." Saggin said very firmly.

"Ha ha, since when have you been Mister Serious?" Whoopie asked with a chuckle. Saggin just frowned at him.

"I think Saggin might have a point this time. Either way, better safe than sorry." Sketchy gave a nod to Saggin. Saggin slowly pushed the gates to Atlantis open. The gates were very similar to a typical metal fence that surrounded the entire city. A typical fence made of solid gold, inset with onyx and rubies engraved with the entire history of Atlantis.

With the gates full opened, the Quartet of Quality proceeded. The gates opened onto a long, wide street that went straight ahead all the way to the palace. It was lined with big ornate buildings made of solid sapphire. Every two buildings where separated by a road T'ing off the main road. The street itself was obsidian, but with a faint green glow to it. It was mildly off putting. The road traveled east, probably to the center of the city. After about three minutes of walking, Saggin realized where most of the feeling of unease came from. There wasn't a sound at all. The entire city was deserted. 

"Kay guys, this isn't looking so good right now. We walked into a pretty bad trap the last time and this is shaping up to be very similar, lets be on our toes." Saggin warned.

"I don't have toes." Fitzy said, a little scared.

"I can honestly say that that thought had never occurred to me until now." Saggin replied. He lead the procession, with Sketchy on his right and Whoopie on his left. Fitzy followed just behind Saggin, and seemed a little afraid.

"Hey guys, stop for a sec." Whoopie said, "I just got a really bad feeling." So the Quartet of Quality stopped and scanned the area around them. The whole city had seemed to be slowly getting darker while they walked, and now it was hard for them to see more than six feet in front of them.

Saggin heard a faint sound, growing louder directly in front of them. He couldn't quite decided what the sound was. "Do you guys hear that, it sounds kinda like --" He was cut off by the hissing of dozens of arrows barely missing him. He jumped to his left into the intersection one of the side streets created and took cover from the barrage of arrows. There were thousands of them, and more kept coming. The précise second Saggin had dove had been the same time a cannonball exploded where they had been standing. Whoopie had followed Saggin's lead, and they lay just outside of the blast crater.

Saggin looked back towards the main road where the arrows were still flying and didn't see Sketchy or Fitzy. He couldn't worry about them right now, he had to deal with the archers.

"Okay, I can create a barrier for about a second and a half. You're going to have to shoot some fireballs back and try to get this barrage to stop." Saggin said and perched just at the corner of his cover. "Three. Two. One. Go! Go!" Saggin shouted and turned the corner with one hand raised. The arrows in front of them hit an invisible wall and stopped inches in front of Saggin's outstretched hand.

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