Chapter 9 - Never Ever

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(Harry's POV)

"Damn it, Nicole. She'll come back." I said putting on a jacket.

Nicole laughed and handed over the umbrella. "Your best bet is too be a dramatic romantic to get her to come back with you."

"What are you babbling about now?" I asked grabbing the umbrella.

"You need to really make it seem like you want her to come back, and not that your Mum made you do it." She shrugged. Weston pushed me out the door.

"Time is of the essence, sir. The longer she's there the harder it will be to get her back."

(Audrey's POV)

I walked downstairs and into the living room. Dad was watching the telly.

"Mum made you some soup. On the stove." He said not looking at me. I rolled my eyes and headed to the smell of tomato soup.

"You will eat two bowls of soup." Mum said when I entered the kitchen. I laughed and nodded. I love tomato soup. She always made it whenever I didn't feel well or something bad happened at school.

I grabbed a bowl and served myself. "Thanks mum." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"You're welcome dear. You should call Harry to come get you." She said cleaning the counter and handing me a spoon. I grabbed the spoon and ate some soup.

"I don't have his number." I said eating more soup.

"The house then? I'm sure there is a phone in the manor of theirs." She said scooting me from by the sink to wash dishes. I hopped onto the counter.

"Don't have that number either." I said then ate more soup.

"How are you going to get back?" She asked. I swallowed the soup in my mouth.

"Harry. He'll come back for me." I said not understanding why I was sure he would.

Mum turned to look at me, with an eyebrow raised. "Are you sure that you two aren't dating? He seems to fancy you. And you him."

"I don't fancy Harry. He's pompous, arrogant, cheeky and sweet and funny." I say, my voice trailing at the end. Mum smiled at me.

"What?" I asked eating more soup.

She shook her head. "Nothing, Audrey." she said smiling then turning back to the dishes. I shrugged and got more soup.

(Harry's Pov)

LJ was driving slow on purpose. I just knew it.

"LJ, can we pick up the pace?" I asked loudly. I needed to get to Audrey as fast as possible. What Weston said rang true. The longer she stayed the harder it would be to get her back. I thought about going back to living by myself in the manor. No more snappy coments at dinner. I wouldn't be able to make her laugh anymore. God, did I love her laugh. I shook my head.

"Sir. It's storming. If I go to fast we could have an accident." LJ scoffed at me.

"I don't think you understand I need Audrey at the house." I looked at him through the mirror. He looked back smirking.

"Might as well ask for her hand in marriage." LJ chuckled. I realized what I said and felt my cheeks heat up.

"I need her back at the house, because my mum will kill me if she doesn't come back. No other reason, Leroy." I said calling him by his name like my parents did, knowing he hated it.

He gave me the finger and I laughed. "We're almost to where I picked you up."

I thought about it. Could she have gone to her parents house? I wouldn't want to be with the girl who just slept with my boyfr- I stopped the thought. I'm not her boyfriend. The thought was a bit deflating to my ego.

"No. Take me to where you dropped us off. She would have went there." I said.

"In ths storm?" He asked skeptically. I nodded.

"Audrey's got a rough sense of pride. Trust me. She's at her parents' house."


This Random Ass update .__. I thought you said it's on hold. I did. I changed my mind.

Prepare for fluff. Drama. Smut. Drama and did I say DRAMA c; LOL

Which Boy would you like to see Audrey have a fling with? O.o Anyone but Liam v,v He's too sweet for that.

XOXO Nuggets c;

Living With Styles. ( A Harry Styles Fan-fiction ) [ AU ]Where stories live. Discover now