Chapter 8 - Disposable

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(Audrey's POV) 

Naomi's pool was smaller than the Styles' but I wouldn't complain. It just felt great to be in the water. I would have stayed in longer if it weren't for the British weather.

It started raining. And thundering. And we all know that lightning is a jealous bitch so she came along too.

I climbed slowly out of the pool and grabbed my towel. I was already wet, so running out of the rain would be pointless. But I did walk faster when I saw the lightning. I walked inside Naomi's flat and smelled something burning. 

I went into the kitchen and Naomi wasn't there. I turned the stove off. She burned the noodles. I turned around and went through the living room. Where was Harry? I was about to head upstairs when there was a knock at the door. I swore and walked over to it.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"For the love of God it is thunderstorming out here. Let me in damn it!" said a male voice from the other side. I opened the door and Jace stomped in, soaked.

"What were you doing out there?" I asked him laughing as he started to shrug off the wet clothing.

"I was at your place because you know I love your mum's cake, and she's always baking. She told me you had came to visit and I asked where you were and she said Naomi's. She told me about the prank you pulled on your dad too." Jace said then laughed taking off his shirt.

"Is that a tattoo?" I asked reaching out for the musical staff that was on his bicep. He looked down at it.

"No." He said seriously.

"Then what the hell is it?" I asked him scrunching my nose at him.

"A tattoo." He said poking my cheek and laughing. I punched his arm playfully.


"You love me being an arsehole. Is something burning?" Jace asked looking around and following the smell. I followed him. 

"Something was burning. Naomi was supposed to be cooking for me and Harry, but she vanished while I was in the pool." I said.

Jace turned and smiled at me. "That explains the sexy bikini  you're wearing."

I blushed and pushed him. "Shut up."

"You know I only poke fun. But I'm not lying." Jace said still smiling. I looked everywhere but at him.

"I'm going to go put my clothes back on."

"Why were you swimming in a thunderstorm?" Jace asked. I laughed.


"You still have the attention span of a squirrel." I said.

"Whatever, Auddie. Go get dressed. I'm going to find a way to get dry." He said chuckling. I turned to leave and he smacked my bum. I turned to slap him and he caught my hand.

"Come now, you didn't think I was going to let you just walk did you?" He asked wiggling his brows. I laughed at him and he smiled.

"Let me go put on clothes. Touch my bum again and I'll kick you square in your manhood." I said as he let go of me.

"That's just evil." He laughed as I turned to go back upstairs.

When I got to the top of the stairs I bumped into a shirtless Harry and almost fell down the stairs, but I caught myself.

"You! Where were you?" I asked poking him in the chest. He looked past me.

"I was in the loo." He said with a smile on his face. He looked at me. "Did you miss me?" He asked.

Living With Styles. ( A Harry Styles Fan-fiction ) [ AU ]Where stories live. Discover now