New Books

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Guess what everyone? I started new books! Yaaaaaaaay. Well you probably already knew that I mean, look at the title of the chapter.

The first book is called An Unlikely Love (a Chadlyn story). If you don't know by now, Chadlyn is my OTP. And nothing anyone says can change my mind. If you are interested, go check it out. if not, don't, your choice. Once I finish 7 days I will start updating that story.

I also started a little tutorial book called How To Write Fan Fiction. I will be updating that occasionally in between my other stories. 

Lastly earlier last week I asked you guys of you wanted to read the Donald Trump poem I wrote for my LA Class. I got no votes against putting it up (and 1 vote for it) so I am melancholy to announce that the poem has been published.

That's all for now,
Thanks for reading,

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