Day 1

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Tomorrow. That is the day Zane's army is supposed to attack Phoenix Drop. I think as I lay in my bed. Garroth is still in a coma that I'm starting to think he won't wake up from, though I hope he will soon. I don't know how I will live without him.
I get up and am getting dressed when I hear someone pounding on the door.

"APHMAU!! OPEN UP!!" Yup. That's Laurance alright. I finish getting dressed and open the door. I'm greeted to Laurance panting with a dark red face. "Aphmau... He's... Awake!" My eyes go wide. "REALLY?!" And with that I run to the guard tower and see Garroth panicking on his bed, with Dr. Stiles and Nurse Angie trying to calm him down. "Why can't I see?! Who are you people?! Where am I?!" "Garroth. You have to calm down. It's not good for you to stress like that after the head trauma you received. After a blow like that your lucky to be alive." "Calm down? CALM DOWN?! IM BLIND!! I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM OR WHO YOU ARE, I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW LONG IVE BEEN OUT!!" I can't watch this any longer. I run up to him and hug him, tears of joy streaming down my face. "AHH! LET GO OF ME!! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" I hug him even tighter and bury my head into his chest. I tell him. "It's me Garroth, Aphmau. You're in Phoenix Drop. You've been in a coma for 3 days after someone hit you on the head with their sword hilt, but It's okay. you're okay and that's all that matters." He blushes. "A-Aphmau..." He trails off. "You two can leave now." I say looking at Dr. Stiles and Nurse Angie, "Go on. I'm sure you two have some making out to do or something." Angie and Dr. Stiles both blush a deep red and they walk out. Leaving just me and Garroth. He asks me, "Who where they?" "That was Dr. Derek Stiles and Nurse Angie Thompson."

(Really no one has gotten these references yet! Why tho?)

"We called them in to take care of you while you where out." "Really? You didn't have too, I'm sure I would have been fine-" "Stop talking like that. I'm just happy you're awake and okay." He looked confused and said "Well I'm mostly okay, with the exception of being blind and all." "Speaking of which you have been taking this whole, blindness thing pretty well. How are you so calm?" "Well I am with you." I blushed when he said that. Good thing he couldn't see it. "Well anyway you should get some rest." I looked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Good night." As I walked away I looked back to see Garroth stunned and blushing madly. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I was greeted by Dr. Stiles holding Nurse Angie's hand. Wow all it took was some friendly teasing and now they are togather? That was a lot faster than I expected. "Lord Aphmau, I need to tell you something. Something pertaining to Garroth." Oh Irene. Not more bad news "you see we think that his condition may only be temporary." HALLELUJAH!! HALLELUJAH!! "THATS GREAT!! How long do you think it will last?" "It's hard to speculate but we are sure the damage will not be enough to cause permanent blindness." "Thank Irene! This is great news that I really needed." "Well I'm going to go tell Garroth the news if you two are done with your make out session." I have him a look. "Yeah well you and Angie didn't have any problem with that make out time I gave you judging by the hand holding going on between you two." He have me the same look. "Good bye Lord Aphmau." And he walked into the room.

I finished my lord activities with a smile on my face. Not only did he wake up today, but I also gave him a kiss! This is going to be great. Then I remembered what day it was. I prepared some boats with supplies and started to gather up the villagers. Everyone who wasn't a guard or magiks user need to get out before it's too late. I watched everyone set sail until there was only one boat left. Zoey had agreed to take Levin and Malachi to the Yggdrasil Forest until this was all over. I said my final goodbyes and watched them sail off into the distance knowing this would be the last day of peace I would experience until this is over.

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