Chapter 2

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"FUCKING WAKE YOUR LAZY ASS UP YOU WHORE!" Dad screamed from my doorway, obviously drunk and had been laid. Hickeys trailed his neck and he smelled of perfume, which wasn't my mothers.

I squinted,"Where have you been?"

"None of your fucking business slut, go wash the fucking dishes and if that goddamn Ms. Lilian looks at you smile sweetly and continue to whistle. Don't fucking screw up you nasty little whore."

I could smell the alcohol on his breath from here, and frankly I didn't want it to get any stronger so I nodded and got dressed as he left.

Woohoo fucking great ..

I walked down to the kitchen and cleaned off the counters, stove, and wiping down the fridge. Our kitchen is like a showroom kitchen, it's been used maybe twice. Nobody is ever here except for Braxton and I. Which of course being the picture perfect family, I am a cheerleader and Braxton plays football.

Whoop dee do.

To be honest, I hate cheerleading. I hate this house, this town, this state, this country, but most of all, I hate my family.

They make us out to be people we're not. Mom's a doctor, with a major drinking problem. Dad's a lawyer, who cheats on his wife, daily. Braxton's a pothead, smokes 9g of coke each day.

Me? They make me to see as the 'perfect daughter', they got all pissed when I dyed my hair purple, I'm a blue eyed blonde. I used to have some green contacts though, a few years ago that is.  And I have 5 piercings, tongue, eyebrow, cartilage, belly button, and my nipples.

Yes, it was a dare. A few years ago when my cousin Daniel came to visit, we went and got our nipples pierced.

Then he went home early because my family didn't "approve" of his behavior and personality. He isn't "high class" or snobby, he's an actual person with actual feelings who I rarely get to talk to because mother is always checking my mail so I can't get his letters, and I have no phone. I'm grounded.

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