14 | Disastrous Bonfire

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Chapter Fourteen

"All right..." Coach Finstock spoke up loudly, gathering everyone's attention. "Now I know the start of season bonfire, it's a big deal for you guys. I also know it gets out-of-hand sometimes. The alumni show up, there's other teams, and alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol..." Coach continued, causing the entire boys locker room to erupt in cheers.

I rolled my eyes as I leaned against a locker next to Scott. I followed his eyes to Liam, who was quietly sitting on a bench. I moved from my place next to Scott, and took a seat beside Liam, shooting him a small smile.

"All right." Coach spoke, but the cheering continued. "Shut up!" he shouted, "Now, what I don't understand is why anybody would ever want to get stumbling down drunk in front of a massive open fire, I'm also resigned to not being able to stop you guys." Coach went on, as the boys cheered again. "I also remind you, your team captain, McCall, will be there." he paused, and I grabbed Liam's hand lightly before he took off. "And I can count on him to narc on any and every one of these little bastards. Get back to class."

All the boys poured out of the locker room as Scott looked at me, earning a shrug from me in response. Why did Liam just run off?

Scot nodded to the exit of the locker room, and I followed him. I stopped when we came across Liam, twirling his lacrosse stick on a staircase. 'Go' I mouthed to Scott,

I already talked to Liam today, and I thought I said what I had to. Clearly, I didn't. So I stood behind the corner, listening to Scott talk with Liam.

"Hey. You okay?" Scott placed his hand on Liam's shoulder, "Hey..." he softly spoke.

"Last night my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off. I hit the cancel button. But it just kept printing." Liam spoke.

"Same thing happened to Liz...I just don't get why." Scott acknowledged.

"I know, she told me, but it doesn't make me feel better." Liam mumbled, pulling out a copy of the list that was printed, handing it to Scott.

Scott opened the paper up when he was interrupted by a voice shouting. "What the hell's this?" Coach's voice shouted, causing me to turn around the corner. I swiftly followed Scott and Liam to Coach's office.

His printer was whirring, as it spewed out paper repeatedly.

Scott picked up a paper off Coach's floor, and Liam and I leaned over his arms to read the list.

"You see the difference?" Liam folded his arms.

"Derek's not on the list anymore." Scott breathed, comparing the two lists.

"And I'm not worth three million. It's 18 now." Liam anxiously spoke, "And Liz isn't worth 15 anymore...she's worth 25."

I snatched the paper from Scott's hand, staring at the number next to my name.

"I'm worth 25 million dollars..." I breathed, "Scott, we're worth the same amount of money.."

I didn't know why I was worth 15 million, never mind 25 million.

Why the hell am I worth 25 million dollars? I don't know...but now I'm seriously thinking about killing myself.

Several hours after I found out my new amount on the dead pool, I remembered that there was still a bonfire to attend.

So here, I find myself sitting on a picnic table with Mason to my right, and Liam to my left, surrounded by a bunch of drunk teenagers. A familiar scenario, if I do say so myself.

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