05 | Drunk Teenagers

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Chapter Five

After letting everyone in, and trying to make sure nobody trashed the place, I ended up in the kitchen, talking with some random blonde girl I had never seen before.

"And then Dakota said that we were still friends, but I mean- how could I believe her after she lied. Y'know?" the girl asked me, whilst twirling her hair between her fingers.

"Yeah." I narrowed my eyes, nodding. Truthfully, I hadn't been listening to her at all. I just wanted this night to be over with.

"So, do you know any guys here willing to-" she started, as I noticed a guy wheel a keg into the kitchen.

"Hold that thought." I cut her off, putting my finger to her lips.

As I made my way to the guy with the keg, Lydia entered the kitchen.

"Okay, I didn't order a keg of beer. Especially not domestic." Lydia complained, pursing her lips.

"Somebody ordered it. Are you trying to tell me nobody here wants to drink?" the guy addressed.

"Are you trying to tell me that you're selling beer to underage teens?" I mocked.

The guy narrowed his eyes, and I looked to Lydia. Her eyes scanned the room, until she saw a wine glass placed perfectly on her laptop.

"Who put this here?" she called out, picking up the glass. "This laptop is two-thousand dollars."

I rolled my eyes, turning to my right to see Garrett leaning against the counter, smelling a bottle of wine.

"Oh- that bottle of wine is four-hundred." she scolded Garrett, grabbing the bottle from him.

"Okay just- How much?" I asked the guy,

He handed me a receipt, and I skimmed the numbers. Lydia then leaned over my shoulder, snatching the receipt from my hands.

"Wait- what's this extra hundred dollars?" she asked, holding up the receipt.

"I call that the 'Yes, you do look 21 to me.' surcharge." the guy winked.

I rose my eyebrows and turned to Lydia. She sighed, placing down the bottle of wine.

"Uh- Let me get you some cash." she stuttered, looking into the living room, heading for the stairs.


"What?" I asked, turning towards Garrett and the guy who delivered the keg.

"Uh- I opened the wine. I should probably pay for the keg." Garrett piped up, grabbing his wallet.


"Okay, seriously? Who the hell said that!" I shouted, looking around the kitchen.

The guy placed down the keg, and cautiously started walking away.

"Liz, nobody said anything." Garrett reassured, furrowing his eyebrows.

My face fell in slight confusion and embarrassment. "I should probably find Lydia." I offered.

Garrett nodded, and I darted for the stairs.

I looked over my shoulder every few seconds, because I had a feeling he was still watching me. But once I made it up stairs, I figured I was in the clear.

As I walked down the hallway, however, I ran straight into Mason. "Oh my god. What are you doing up here?" I badgered.

Mason began to talk, but was cut off when Lydia entered the room. "What are you doing up here? The party's downstairs." she scolded.

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