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"And that's everything, yeah? No missing pencils, pens, highlighters? Oh my god- where's your ID? Your cell phone?" Fen's mom pandered. Fen just laughed airily, hugging her mom; offering secure reassurance.

"It's fine, mom. Cell's in my pocket, ID's in my wallet, which is in my backpack. We've both double checked and triple checked, everything's where it's supposed to be." Fen responded, pulling back from her mother, who's eyes were now rimmed with tears.

"Except one thing. Here." Fen's mom said, shuffling around in her purse. Fen had been wondering why she brought that out. Within a few seconds her mom was pulling a blue denim jacket from inside of it.

"I got you this. Oh- I also put a NASA patch on the shoulder. I thought it was... fitting," She said, and Fen took the oversized jacket, holding it out at arm's length. She couldn't stop smiling.

"Mom, thanks! This is so perfect. I can't wait to wear it at camp." Fen replied.

"Oh, thank goodness. I was a little worried you'd think it was lame." Her mom said, and Fen jokingly rolled her eyes.

"How? Everyone else's mom probably did almost the same thing, or the kid at least brought along some sentimental object. We're going away for the whole summer- and we're all a bunch of nerds. The fact that we're all college kids doesn't change that one bit. Nerds are nerds, and these are as die-hard as they come." Fen finished. Her mom smiled proudly, and embraced her in another warm hug.

"I better get going, mom. I don't wanna be too late for the flight. If I show up early enough I get first dibs on the carry-on cupboards." Fen said, patting her mom's back before letting go.

"Okay, okay. I love you, Fen. And I'm really proud of you. I know one day I'll see it on TV- Fenway Harrison, first woman on Mars." Her mom said, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. Fen laughed, choking back a few tears of her own.

"One day, mom. One day, I'll make it."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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