One step closer

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I have died everyday waiting for you darling dont be afraid I've loved you for a thousand years and I'll love you a thousand more

-Twilight A Thousand Years

(Ty's POV)

It's war day and everybody in the house is complete silence everybody is ready Destiny has trained she's a killing machine

Ty: Prince

Prince: Yes baby

Ty: I love you so much

Prince:*hugs her tight* I love you to TyTiana I'll love you for a thousand years

Trey: Come on guys we have some wolves to kick

It was everybody Princeton,Ayanna,Prod,Ray,Trey,Destiny,Stacy,Issa, and I

We all walked out to the battle field and came face to face with the enemy the smell of their fur just made me disgusted and the thought of me not able to have kids if I don't survive the fight me and Princeton not marrying I'm gonna die I started to cry a little

Ayanna: It's okay I'm gonna die to

Ty:*cries harder* that didn't help

I sucked up my tears and looked at the enemy 30 ft away just smirking like their gonna win I look behind me and saw that Babydoll had joined us as well as our friend Myles on the wolf team was Diggy, Jacob L.,Trevor J., Khalil, Jawan, Star, Beauty , Coco J. , Zendaya, Ross L., and Lil chuckee haven't seen his punk self since initiation at school and then somebody else walked to their side OH MY GOD it''s.......My Twin Charlene she's a werewolf instead of a vampire we were outnumbered by one but then somebody screamed wait

???: Wait a minute I'm apart of the new borns

Ty: Chevon

Chevon: Yea lets rip somebody to shreds

Trey: It's their call if they don't call it in 5 minutes we leave not as cowards but as the mature ones

Destiny: Trey this fight is not needed why are we fighting

Trey: My fathers why he called it i guess and alpha doesn't know about it

???: you right alpha doesn't know about it

Diggy:*mumbles* Uh oh

???: Diggy Your my son and didn't tell me about this war all of you are teenagers expect you vampires y'all are some years old but still y'all died young

Diggy: Dad I thought I could handle it

???: No you can't now get your behind back to the lodge all of you except Myles and Babydoll

Ty:*smiles* Thanks Wayne


Wayne: No problem honey and uh tell your mom to call me

Ty:*embarrassed* will do

They all walked off into the woods while the snow lie on the ground we stand there shocked and taking it all in

Trey: you know since diggy's mad he's gonna want war in a few years guys in human ages we are only 17 we have 6 years man

Prince: And when the 6 years run up

Ty: We all will be ready

Ayanna: YAY!!!

Ty: what you screaming yay for

Ayanna: We don't have to die

Ty: oh yeeeea YAY

Issa: Wait your an 18 year old virgin* trying to hold back laughter*

Ty: shut up I thought you said you wanted to get married prince

Prince: We are*gets on one knee*

Ayanna:Uh oh GET SOME!!!

Destiny: OMG!!!


Stacy: It's like that now ray

Ray:* looks shocked* You.........want me

Stacy: Never said I didn't like you Ray

Ty: Ray oh my god DO IT

Ray: Will you be my girlfriend Stacy

Stacy: Ray I've been your girlfriend the past 700 years so I'll say yes anyway

Prince: Hello!!! Back to my proposal here


Prince: No need to explain to you how much I love you because I've expressed my love these last 180 years but I mean time to make it official will you TyTiana Chanell August be my TyTiana Chanell Perez?

Ty: YES!!!*crying*

Ayanna: My sister is gonna get married

Prod: So are you*gets on one knee*

Trey: So is destiny* gets on one knee*

Ayanna: I don't need a speech YES!!!

Destiny: Same thing YES!!

Ty,Destiny, and Yanna: I's Married now I's married!!!!

Prod singing: Isn't she lovely isn't she wonderful isn't she lovely isn't she beautiful

Ayanna: We having ourselves a triple wedding

Ty: All I wanna do is eat all night

Prince: AIN'T GOTTA REPAT YOSELF!!*throws Ty over your shoulder*

Trey: Don't drop her

Prince:*yelling and running* no promises

Destiny: Everything ended so well

Trey: Baby we are only in the middle of this whole movie we have an ending to go

Ayanna: Why do I feel like I'm in some twilight saga

Ray: CUH WE ARE!!!!

Prod: No need to holler you taco maniac

Stacy: Leave him alone prod

Ray: ooooweee my woman taking up for me THAT'S SEXY BYE Y'ALL*picks Stacy up bridal style*

Ayanna:I'm so ready for this war now

Trey: You ain't lying but we'll see what the author will do in the sequel

TyTiana Author: Dang trey ain't gotta rush me

Trey: I know one thing you betta get back to typing

TyTiana Author: Man shut uuuup

Trey: What was that

TyTiana Author: Nothing Trey bye y'all

Destiny: Bye Guh

Prod: Well all we can do now is wait

Destiny: Prod is right lets go home*grabs Trey's hand and starts walking*








This book is coming to a close imma probably make 2 more chapters one with the Wolf Clan and one with the vampire clan and then an epilogue if you think this is the end YOU ARE SO WRONG we still got 6 years to go and then they about to have kids those kids are in danger AT ALL TIMES

My Mindless Vampire life (Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now