2 days until war!!!

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(Ty's POV)

It's 2 days until war and THEY ALL HAVE HANGOVERS!!! So I went downstairs because I being the smart person didn't drink I went downstairs and made Bloody Mary's for everybody

Trey: What did you make man

Ray: My belly hurts*lays on Ty's shoulder*

Ty: It's okay ray ray that's why you not suppose to drink you can't handle liquor

Ray: Noooo Craig made me take a lot of shots

Craig:*groaning* nu uh you did dat by yoself*falls on counter*

Prince:*smiling* morning everybody

Trey: Prince you didn't drink

Prince: Oh yea I did I got wasted but I can handle MYSELF in the morning y'all just sloppy haha

Trey: Shut up

Ty: Haha now drink up guys me and the girls and Princeton are ready to train so go get dressed and quit mopping around like dead people

All of them:*just starring at her*

Ty: what?.........oh yea my bad I forgot

A/N: OMG that just came off the top of my head haha that was funny

Craig: Let's whoop some werewolves Woo!!

Ray: Aye Craig.....Craig man Craig

Craig: What Ray



Craig: Trey.......guess what man

Roc: What happen what's up

Craig: SHUT UP

Ty: Come on y'all we don't have much time until its time to fight these guys I'm ready for this LETS GO!!!

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