Chapter I - Where the Story Begins Or Possibly Ends

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This isn't a bedtime story, nor is this a joke. This is something made as account of the mistakes and lives that were lost. This is how it happened and why it happened. This is the mistakes a selfish individual made that later even though it was centuries later cost lives. Lives are never something that should be taken lightly. Yet those mistakes wouldn't have lead us to where we are now. I would not be here before you if not for those mistakes. Let me stop before I ramble on some more. I could sit here, tell you who I am and all about me. Yet that would be a complete waste. Why you may wonder? Maybe it is the fact that you will possibly learn about me later own. So let me start off where it first began. That night where everything changed. That night where eyes were opened.

Running through the alley on his way home Ira thought," A few more blocks to go. I swear only two more years left until I can move out on my own. She may be my aunt but she could at least act like she cares. Maybe one day she will treat you like a son and not a piece of meat waiting to be cast out to the scavengers. She treats her own dog better then she treats me some days. But she is all have.

In time things will change young one, You destiny awaits, whispered a mysterious voice. He froze. "Who said that?" Ira then scanned the broken down boxes piled next to a dumpster, then search the fire escape dangling precariously above his head. "Who's there, and what the hell are you talking about?" Nobody answers. After waiting a moment longer, he realized he was late. Ira knew his aunt was gonna completely lose it. So he took off at a jog. But the closer Ira got to his so called home, the more he dreaded walking through the front door. Screw her. Ira at that moment of defiance diverged a block off his route to hit the local Starbuck

"Caramel Macchiato please venti size," Ira asked the women working the register. She was cute in a odd way, plump in the right places, five feet two inches, nice smile with snow white teeth, bronze freckles covering most of nose, light brown hair, but her eyes was the odd feature on her body. Hard to describe them, her right eye was like a blue green tint. Now that may not sound odd until you saw the opposite eye. That eye was a hazel and grey tint. Never having seen anything like it before, Ira openly stare. Not really his type, but cute enough to spark a minor interest.

"It will be done for you shortly sir," was her quick and hurried reply. Ira could only guess she noticed how closely he looked at her. By the time his coffee was made, he had forgotten about the girl thanks to a glimpse at his watch. In five more minutes Ira controlling aunt would be calling the police. Not that she really cared about Ira's well-being. It was her way of making him feel crappy about "putting her through it."

Ira made a attempt to look casual and enjoy his drink as he turned the corner. Before Ira could take a second sip,someone struck him in the head and shoved him roughly against a brick wall.

"I don't know what's gotten over me. I just couldn't resist." A familiar feminine voice hovered close to my ear. "Usually I'm so disciplined."

After his vision cleared enough for him to recognize the barista girl from Starbucks. "What the hell are you doing?" Ira struggled as hard as he could against her iron grip. "And how are you so--"

She continued as if she hadn't heard him. "You should feel honored. I never do this...grant a total stranger the gifts I'm about to grant to you."

"Are you crazy?"

She stares into his eyes so deeply she's staring at the brick wall behind him. Then she smiles. As she does so, Ira swore her two upper canines start to grow. "Am I crazy?" Ira meant to only think the words, but instead he spoke them out loud.

She winked. "Don't worry, it will only hurt for a while."

Quickly Ira grabbed the trash can top within arms length and smack her across the head. That broke her grip. He attempted to scramble away as fast as he could on all fours, to weak to get up of the ground. Which in all honesty was not fast enough to get him anywhere. The kick she landed which sent him against the wall looked like it didn't feel nice.

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