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Max's POV

I spent the next week or so totally avoiding Gally and his friends. So basically I have about nine allies to his the rest. Alby, for some reason, doesn't hate me anymore. He softened up. Actually, he and Newt have been here the longest with Minho and a few others and it's a good thing that he tolerates me now because Newt is his best friend.

"Stop it." I was holding on to Newt's leg as he was trying to get to the homestead.

"But I want you to stay." I said slurring the ay. "It's boring with no one to talk to."

"Well go annoy Minho, he got back early." He kicked me off limped away as fast as he could.

"Bloody slinthead." I said under my breath.

I ran over to Minho who was chugging water.

"Minhoooooooooo!" I yelled from across the open grass.

"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaax!" He yelled back.

"Shut uuuuuuuuuuuuup." Newt yelled from the Homestead. I laughed. He's funny sometimes.

"So did you find a way out?"

"Yes I did but I don't wanna tell anyone about it."

"Ha ha. Minho, is there a way out?" I asked him. I have this feeling that nobody is answering that question truthfully.

"Yes Max and stop asking. We already told you a billion times. Stop worrying about it. It's not your job."

"Can you make me a runner?"

"What? You? Wanna be a runner?"

"Yes I do. The Gladers are beginning to like me. I'm getting more friends and stuff. But now that I have the friends I really want to get them out of here. You too."

"Yeah well that's some sweet klunk Max but you can't be a runner. I won't allow it. Thomas and Newt either." I exhaled sharply and groaned.

Why don't they want my help? I would make a great runner. One who actually finds a way out. I have to have something to do with it all. I'm the only girl here.

I walked over to the doors. It was a little while until they closed. At least a half an hour. I ran my hand along the huge stone walls. Fitting my fingers in between cracks and creases. The vines were moist and went into the maze. I held one and it lead me along the walls until I got to the doors. I almost stepped in when Newt grabbed my shoulder.

"Bloody hell. You scared the klunk out of me."

"You're starting to sound like me you know. Also Minho told me about how you wanted to be a runner. I know you too well. You can't go in the maze. You're not a runner."

"Yeah well I could be." I said pissed at him. "If you guys would just let me."

"It's not that easy."

"I hate it when you're right."

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