Still the Greenie

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"Oh my god." I whispered. "Oh my god." I had spent the night in the deadheads. The sun was just coming up and I could see the runners heading out into the maze. Now I know what's out there I want to stop them. The whole thing doesn't make much sense.

I looked over to see Newt still asleep. I got up and as quietly as I could walked back to my bed/hammock. I lay down and waited until the other Gladers got up. Thomas wasn't there anymore cause he had left but Gally was a few beds away. He sat up and looked around.

"I know you're awake." He said. I stayed still.

"Stop pretending. We're going to get you back Max. Don't try and ignore that." Then he went off to go somewhere.


"Max! Max!" I rolled over.

"Go away let me sleep."

"Max you left me out in the woods." I opened my eyes.

"What?" I said drowsily.

"You left me in the woods. Last night." I looked at Newt. He was sitting in his bed. I shot up.

"Oh my god." I fell asleep. I'm sorry I swear but I didn't want to make any noise. Gally almost caught me and it would be worse if second in command was caught sleeping in the woods."

"It's ok. But Alby asked me what I was doing and I panicked and said getting some fertiliser. We need to think of a better excuse."

I spent the rest of the day with Newt again. This time we didn't go and get fertiliser twenty three thousand times. He was helping Zart and I was sitting underneath the trees and talking to them both.

I think I like Zart. He's funny. And he's not an asshole.

The next few days were kind of fun I guess. Like more fun than I had with Gally and them. Newt didn't try to beat me all the time. And he, Thomas and sometimes Minho had dinner together. Minho is really mean sometimes but I just think that's his thing. He liked to tease me a lot.

"So, the Greenie's coming tomorrow." Minho said. "Alby said I could stay behind because of what happened last time we got a greenie. That was a disaster." I playfully punched him on the shoulder and he punched me back sending me of the side of the bench.

"Ow." I said scrambling back up.

"I hope this one doesn't punch me in the balls. Like the last one." Newt said.

"Yeah the last greenie. Who is she anyway she sounds like I real shuckface?" I said laughing to myself.

"We'll have a bonfire. They're always a lot of fun."


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