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Whether you have long hair, short hair, or barely any hair at all, you need to take care of it!

Of course the simple things to do is use shampoo and conditioner. But actually, taking a shower every night may not be doing you as well as you think. Of course, I'm one of those girls who feels disgusting not showering everyday, so basically to start off easily, just don't wash your hair on the weekend. Put your hair in a bun and just shave, use soap, and all the other things you do in the shower besides washing your hair. Okay WOW that sounds dirty don't take that the wrong way! This flows perfectly, because on Friday and Saturday you're usually out all night partying or at a sleepover, and if you do come home at all, usually it's really late after midnight and your mom's snoring on the couch because she fell asleep! So with all this, you don't have time to wash your hair.

A lot of times you'll ask your best friend's advice on hair products. That may not be the best idea, though, because her hair could be thick and long, and your hair could be short and thin. Hair products depend on the kind of hair you have. Yes, it's great to listen to your friend's opinion, but YOUR results might be very different from hers.

When using shampoo, try to only use it on your scalp. For conditioner, obviously you use that on the rest of your hair, towards the bottom. Conditioner is meant to make your hair smooth and silky; there's no point to put it on your scalp!

Another simple thing every girl should know: use heat resistant sprays. This protects your hair. You see your favorite hair tutorial girl on YouTube using it so it's pretty obvious that a lot of people use it! The brands I use are not a waste of money, let me tell you that. A good brand I really recommend using for any hair products is TreSemmé. I'm not guaranteeing that their products will work, I'm just suggesting a brand that I trust.

I take my showers at night, so when I get out, a part of my nightly routine is to brush my hair. Truth is, you should brush your hair daily so it's not knotty and to keep it healthy. It's something easy that every girl should do!





This works well on long hair. To do this, pull your hair into a sleek, high ponytail. If there's any bumps, use bobby pins because it's supposed to be sleek, smooth, without a hair out of place. Of course, if you want to, you can do this hairstyle in a messy way, because sometimes messy can be really cute.
Braid the hair coming out of your ponytail and secure with another hair tie. I recommend using a little hair elastic for this. Then, wrap your braid around the ponytail. It might take a few tries to get it. When you wrap it, try and hide the hair ties and make sure you pin down any bumps. This trick was in the first Beauty Tips book I published before this: spray a toothbrush with hairspray (not a used one ew!) and use it to get rid of frizzy hair and fly aways.


This is super easy. Just pull your hair to one side and braid. If you're making it a sleek, smooth hairstyle then brush it to the side with hairspray. If you're making it sloppy but cute, then pull the braid apart with your fingers so it looks sloppier-- but in a good way!


We all know Ariana Grande's signature half up, half down ponytail with curls. To make this look, start off with curling your hair. To make it quick and fast, don't curl in layers. Just start with the top layer. Also, curl bigger pieces. Believe me, I have a LOT of hair and it's super long, but when I curl my hair like this it doesn't take long at all! When you're done, grab a brush and softly brush out the curls. This makes them bouncier. Spray them with a little bit of hairspray. Then, with a brush, pull half of your hair into a ponytail. Make sure there are no bumps and no fly aways. I personally like to keep my bangs out of the pony, and then after my the rest of my hair is in a ponytail, I pull my bangs back in a French Twist. To do this, twist a little piece of your hair two times towards your head, then grab another piece, twist two times, and repeat. Ariana usually makes hers sleek and smooth without a hair out of place. To complete this look, use a clip-on bow and clip it on the back of your hair, in front of the ponytail. You can get these bows at Claire's, or any other accessory store. And that's how to do Ariana's hair!


In the other book, I mentioned my favorite tip. Keep hair ties and bobby pins in an empty mint container or even an empty Tic Tac box. This way, you won't lose them and you can take them wherever you go. Also, I do this so I can hide it from my sisters since we always steal each other's makeup, clothes, and hair stuff!




When it's a really hot day, wear your hair up in a bun or ponytail. There's no point on straightening your hair because by the end of the day, your hair will totally fall out. Also, it's too hot to keep your hair down anyway.

On cold, windy days in December, your hair will get really knotty because of the wind. The wind makes your hair cold and stiff. So I suggest wearing it up, or half up half down. Of course since you're mostly inside school all day, it's alright to wear your hair down.

The days to wear your hair down is when it's not too hot, not too cold, and it's not really windy or humid. So usually in the Spring some days, and some days in the fall will be perfect.

On rainy days, I don't ever straighten my hair. I usually wear it up.

You see what the weather does? It ruins everything!


If you liked anything, or if you tried any of the hairstyles, please leave a comment. Thanks!

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