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JUNE 12TH 1994

It was in the wee hours of the morning, Amelia was all dressed and had her things already packed. It was too early for anyone to be awake on a Sunday, it was ridiculous. She strolled around the small hospital again, reminiscing when she first came here. She stared at the door to Campbell's room and creaked it open. Amelia stared at the ever so peaceful face of a sleeping Campbell and smiled. It was the last time she was going to see it and damn was she going to miss it. She wouldn't see it for years probably, she was moving to London.

She looked at him one last time before walking away, tears rolling down her cheeks. He wasn't the only one she would miss. The amount of time she had spent here, the people she got to know. They didn't only need help, they needed love too. Before she left the hospital, she passed a note to the front desk, meant specifically for Campbell only. At the entrance of the hospital, she looked back.

"I don't want to go....."

Amelia was the only thing that ran throught Campbell's mind the moment he had woken up. He ran through out the hospital and checked every crook and cranny where she could have been, even on the roof but she was already gone. He slumped down on his bed, she had gone without saying goodbye. It then hit him, she would have never left without a goodbye and ran to the front desk.

"Did Amelia Green leave anything for me?"

"Of course she did! As if she wouldn't, you two were nearly inseperable, you two were. She said it was for your eyes only, have it."

Dear Campbell,

By the the time you read this, I'll be long gone . You won't find me in Scotland anymore, I would be at the airport, on my plane by now. I just wanted you to know that you would always be dear to me and if I ever forget you, I'll never forgive myself. If you forget me, I'll find you and slap some sense into that brain of yours.

I wanted to say something for a certain duration but I've seen this coming and was prepared. I never got to tell you how I feel. I think you already know, so does it really need saying?

But whatever you do, don't come looking for me. You can meet a better girl, have a better life, maybe even have children! You'd have adventures with this girl and remember to love her like she's the world's greatest and most precious treasure. Loving you is like loving the stars themselves, such a wonderful experience and lighting up when times get dark. I'll miss you, Bain.

As always,
Amelia Green.

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