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JUNE 19TH, 1994

Little did the pair know that tomorrow, Amelia would be sent home. It was somewhere during the afternoon where the two of them were lying down on the floor in her room as they talked about what they remembered before they came to the asylum and what they were doing now and complained about other patients.

Amelia didn't want to leave because she liked it there, she liked him, she liked the thought of "them".

To him, she wasn't just another girl. She was the girl, the one. He genuinely liked her and didn't want her to go. What would he do without her?

"Here you are! Amelia, you're going home tomorrow morning. You must be excited!"

Tomorrow. They had until tomorrow to confess their feelings. Why wouldn't they do it now? Why wait? It was scary. He couldn't muster up the courage to do it, and she was too shy to make the first move.

"Fast, isn't it? Though you'd be around to kiss me once more under the mistletoe," Campbell laughed awkwardly and ran his fingers through his hair. Amelia laughed and playfully hit him. "I can't believe you remember that oh my gosh! That kiss never happened, Bain."

After that, it was an awkward silence. The kiss. Amelia liked it and hoped it would happen more than outside of a mistletoe. Never did.

"Amelia? What will you do when you're gone?"

"Listen to the radio? Paint? Think about this place. Think about everyone, think about us."


"Yeah. You and I."


forever Everyone here had been more sociable than anyone in her entire life. She even felt a connection with them, especially with him.

"I'll go to college. I"ll take a good major, get a good job, and probably adopt 3 cats. Watch a bit of telly when I'm free maybe. What about you?"

"I'm going to start my radio show. I'll be successful, and no one would stop me," Campbell said enthusiastically.

At that moment, Amelia hugged Campbell. She hugged him tightly, tried to give the warmest hug ever, tears dripping down her face. It was a shock for a while, but he hugged back and did a little laugh. "Don't cry, you big baby. It's only goodbye. We'll stay in touch for ever. Trust me," he chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Try to be a bit brighter! We have time left, don't we? Don't be so moody, let's go watch some TV and have a radio show, alright?" His voice was shaky. He was trying to keep the tears in. He was going to stay healthy in front of the girl he loved; he had to.

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