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Chuck sat up, rethinking about my backstory. "Ouch. There has to be more. I can see it in your eyes." I blinked, shaking myself out of my flashbacks. I slid the amulet into my hand, looking at it shine.

"Of course. Let me continue." I uttered silently.


The policeman took me home without a word. Told me to be safe, and went on his way. All I did was go up to my bedroom and went to sleep.

No food, no bath, no nothing.

Just sleep.

In the morning, I did eat some of the leftovers we had. Somehow, many people knew about what had happened the night before, therefore implying to come drop off gifts for my mother at our house. I acknowledged them kindly and sat them by her bed. As I did, sometimes I would go around her room and check her belongings. I didn't take them- just looked to make sure that they were there. After a while, I went up to my room and began to pack a couple of the things I owned, as well as clothes and other necessities.

Some of my mother's friends asked if I wanted to stay at their house, and I took the first one who asked. I still felt the ache inside me from not having my mother around. It made me not want to go outside and play in the grass, or even eat for that matter. However, the one thing that I was doing consistently was practicing my "humanity". Every so often, I looked in the mirror and pointed my ears downwards so I looked normal to human eye. I used my mom's friends and family as test subjects, and eventually didn't the mirror anymore.

One night, as it began to grow dark, I ate the last of the leftovers and went to bed.

I had a dream that night, but it was no mere dream- it was a nightmare. It had me, but with lots of fur and dark eyes. It was attacking people, and chased me around. It almost seemed like it was the sadness, bitterness, and evil rising up out of me and took a human form. However, I was awoken by a smell.

The smell of smoke and flames.

I shrieked and ran out of the room, hoisting the mostly scorched bookbag around my arms. I somehow made my way to the front door and out of my house, which came crumbling down in front of me. I fled to Ms. Johnson's house, shooting inside as soon as she opened the door. She made a call to the fire department moments later while she tried to call me down. I tried staying calm, worrying about my mother yet again.

The next morning, I went over to the rubble I once called home.

I sighed, kicking a piece of wood that was leaning on another. It flew across the air, smashing into smaller bits on a tree. I sniffled, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"I'm so sorry, Mom... I don't know how this even happened..." I managed to say before more tears came pouring down my face. I gritted my teeth, clenched my fists, and fell apart. I couldn't hold it back anymore. Between my mother and the house, there was nothing more. No family, no hope, nothing.

Through my sprawling tears, I noticing one of my mother's jewelry boxes that sat on her dresser. Wiping my face, I opened it up.

Inside was money, and lots of it. She must've been saving up for something.

But something that caught my attention was a yellow amulet, fighting with the sun to shine all by itself. I picked it up, twisting it in my fingers. It spoke to me, and started to make me feel closer to my mother.

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