SototallyLittlewood - Failure of Revenge

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Toby was glad to be back from the advent. He hated it when his friends teamed up on him and killed and bullied him like they did. He was lying on his bed across from the Sapling King. Toby could hear Martyn snoring softly, and started remembering the ADVENTures they had in the winter. Toby couldn’t help getting angry and crying. He was angry for all the pranks they pulled and for Martyn killing Archie. He was crying because he hated being mad at the one he loved, even though Martyn probably didn’t love him back. And that thought made Toby get up, go into the forest and cry the night away.

When Martyn woke up he saw that Toby wasn’t there. Where can he be? Martyn thought. He went out into their base. Toby isn’t in the base or in the camp! Where is he? The Sapling King thought.

“TOBY!?” Martyn screamed hoping Toby could hear him.

Martyn looked all around camp, with no luck finding the younger boy; he slowly sank to his knees. Has Toby left me? Does he hate me? I should have told him how I feel! I should have apologized for the pranks! As these thoughts were swirling around in the older boy’s mind, he started to cry. He never wanted Toby to leave. He loved him.

“M-Martyn?” Toby mumbled through his tears, not knowing it was morning.

Toby got up and walked slowly back to camp. When he arrived he saw Martyn crying. Toby ran over to him.

“Martyn?” Toby started, “What's wrong?”

Martyn looked up to see Toby’s worried face, “N-nothing. You’re here! Where were you? Why did you leave?”

Toby looked at Martyn, they were both crying. “Yeah, uh I was in the woods.” Toby said, “I left so you wouldn’t see me cry.”

Martyn chuckled a bit, but there was worry in his eyes, “Well, we’re both crying so I guess that doesn’t matter! Why were you crying out in the woods alone?”

“B-because I was upset about the advent,” Toby said looking into the woods, “I was mad at you for killing Archie and I didn’t want to be and that made me upset.”

“Toby!” Martyn started, “I’m so sorry I didn’t know we were so mean to you! And I am deeply deeply sorry. I-I don’t know what came over me!”

Toby hugged Martyn, “I’m glad to hear you don’t really hate me.”

They both got up smiling through some tears they had left.

“Let’s get to work!” Martyn said cheerily.

With that they both got up and started working on the machines. Toby was still quite mad about Martyn killing his dog. I know exactly what came over you! Toby thought to himself. To him it was clear; the other two boys had influenced him. Toby wanted to get Martyn back but didn’t know how. He had been quite upset when I wasn’t there. Toby thought to himself as he devised a plan.

“I’ll be back in a minute Martyn.” Toby said.

“Okay! Don’t be too long!” Martyn called over his shoulder not looking away from the machine he was working on.

Toby ran off and quickly made a potion of invisibility. He would use it, Martyn would get scared, and Toby would become un-invisible and act like nothing happened. Hopefully, he thought, this will work! This will be my revenge.

Toby drank the potion and walked back into camp hoping to scare Martyn.

“Toby?” Martyn said when he heard footsteps but saw no one. “Where has he run off to?”

Toby watched as the Sapling King got more and more worried. Toby started to feel bad for doing this. This wasn’t the way! He should just leave and act like he was getting food or something. Toby walked away as quietly as he could but as he was turning to leave, Martyn walked in the way and they bumped into each other.

“What the hell?” Martyn said, “Toby? Are you invisible?”

“No?” Toby said but then smacked himself in the face for being dumb enough to reply.

“Why are you hiding Toby?” Martyn said grabbing Toby’s shoulders and trying to figure out where his eyes were.

“I was about to go get some food and I wanted to walk by without being notice?” Toby tried to explain.

“Toby really what were you doing?” As Martyn said this Toby became visible and Martyn could see his blush.

Toby was trying to get away and hide his blush but failed, “It was a failure at revenge… I thought if I scared you, you would never hurt me again. I realized that that would have made things worse and I didn’t want to do that to the one I love so I turned around but you caught me…” Toby was still talking but Martyn was focused on what he just said: the one I love.

“Toby, you love me?” Martyn mumbled as he let go of Toby.

“Yeah I have for a long time but you probably don-“  Martyn stopped him with a kiss.

“I love you too Toby” Martyn said pulling away, “and I have, and always will.”

Toby hugged Martyn and they walked back into camp, both of them happy. Martyn moved their beds together and they went to sleep. They were exhausted from a day of emotions.

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