Day One

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I spat and coughed what I think is blood. I tried to stand only to stagger to my knees. I wiped the blood from my mouth on my arm and sat back against the rusty mesh wall. The room I was in was an elevator. A box. Moving upwards, fast. I sat in agony for half an hour. For half an hour I coughed blood into my arm and discovered bruises around my waist and down my legs. My own hand was barely visible in the dim blue light so I only found them when I hit them against the boxes of things in the cage with me.

While sitting in the cage I wondered, where the f**k am I?! Who is my family? Why don't I remember them? What the hell is going on?

I almost began to cry. I might die due to having memory loss. I don't know how I got in the box and that means I don't know how to get out. If I can't get out I can't get help.

The box came to an abrupt stop causing me to choke hard on my blood.

I had tried desperately to spit the blood away from my body while closed in the box. My arms were covered in it. I had repeatedly wiped all the blood out of my mouth and onto my arms. I tried to leave my airway open by averting all of it onto the floor.

A line of light hit the centre of the cage. I looked up to the source. A set of doors was opening above me and I made out silhouettes of people looking down on me.

I continues to cough blood. I got on my hands and knees and put my head down and spat and choked.

"What do you see?"

"Nothing yet, shank, the doors aren't open yet."

"I bet it's just supplies but the alarm is stuffing up."

The doors were now fully open but I didn't look up. I couldn't.

"It's a girl." An accented male's voice sounded above me. Shouts and murmurs erupted among my captors.

"What's your name?" The same English accent yelled out. I put up my hand in an attempt to shut them up.

"Shhhh! Help.. me out.... Pl-please." I stuttered.

"You guys. Get in the box. Help her out." The pulled me out of the cage and dropped me onto the grass. I crawled onto my hands and knees again and chocked on my blood again.

"Do you need some help?" An English accent asked from my right. The boy reached down to help me but I punched him hard in the balls. He moaned in pain and the other people around me either laughed or 'oooh'ed in sympathy.

"Bloody hell." The boy groaned.

"Nobody touch her! Nobody move!" An authoritative voice yelled to the owners of the feet surrounding me. Most of them were quiet but the boys who had talked to me before and a few others had a private conversation. I heard things like "slammer" "girl" and "punched me". I wasn't really sure what most of the other words mean but they sounded like curse words.

"W-water." I said as loud as I could. I really was craving water. Something to clear my throat. A few orders were made before about four people carried me by the limbs into a building where they sat me on a chair. I was given some water and I washed out the blood causing me to cough and choke.

I put my head down after being told not to say anything. I sat in a circle with bout twelve teenagers. Only teenage boys though and they all wore variations of the same clothing and all sweaty and dirty as though from work.

Then they started talking about me.

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