Treatment (Part 2)

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Part two of Treatment part one by @supamoner. Part two is written by me but 75% of this belongs to supamoner. It was really fun to collaboration with her and hopefully will be doing another one in the future!


Peeta's POV
Weeks pass by quickly with everyday spend doing the same thing. I have become more familiar with the people around me though with helps. Dr. Aurelius is my main doctor so I see him the most. For the first few weeks I stayed in the public hospital in the capitol but after 3 weeks was brought to a private hospital. I am now allowed to stay in almost an apartment like room, everyday I am brought food from the kitchen. Then each day a helper of Dr. Aurelius comes and hands me a test, different to the one before it. It asks simple questions like

What is your name?

What age are you?

Where are you from?

But then it gets deeper regarding things that at times set me off into a sudden rage where the hijacked side of me overwhelms my emotions and I become.... A monster. Those moments come rare now and I've learned not to over think these questions like

Who is your enemy?

Who is Katniss Everdeen?

Who hijacked you?

Things have improved from the beginning though. When I was in the hospital I had to be strapped down and cared for 24 hours a day. Those were the times where I still hadn't summed up in my head what is real and what isn't, the time where everyday I was being given a number of medications to help my condition. Now the most they do is take blood samples. They did that a lot after the rebellion, Dr Aurelius said it was to remove as much venom as possible. But when I asked if it was going to help my flashbacks and false memories he answered me honestly by saying

" The venom has done its job on that part. The weapon is what we're removing, to prevent it happening again but the damage......that's something that is unfortunately permanent"

It took me a while to understand what he meant by that. I eventually realised that they were removing for the precaution that it may do more damage but the damage is already done to the extent that it can not be erased unless I myself am. Its something I'm stuck with until the day I die. He explained to me that it will fade, flashbacks will become rare as the medication comes into effect but I will never truly escape it. The hijacking is a part of me unfortunately. I never understood the term to hijack though I hear it. One night when I arrived back to my room after a check up I pulled out a dictionary and looked up hijack. The first thing that came up as a definition was

To Rob

(A/N actually was the definition on the internet dictionary! Sorry, back to story)

That's when it all finally made sense. Because that's exactly what hijacking did. It robbed my memories of Katniss and replaced them with false visions of her trying to kill me, convincing me that she was a mutt. That's what the doctors began to explain to me as soon as I began to calm down at the mention of her name. The thought of her used to bring on flashbacks on top of me, thrashing and yelling for someone to kill her. Now the thought of her brings something completely different. It brings a longing for her, a ache to see her again and a determination to feel her lips against mine. Yet the doctors don't see that. They still see me as a lunatic. I still am, but more contained. I asked them to let me go home before, many times actually but was shot down every time. So I stopped asking and I stopped communicating unless I was asked something. I shut myself down and don't plan on opening up again until I am free to return home, from the capital.


I am sitting on the couch staring into space when I hear a knock on the door. It opens a few seconds later and to no surprise it's Dr Aurelius.

"Hello Peeta"

I nod in response. He walks over toward me and takes a seat in the armchair across from me. He says

"How have you been doing?"

I reply simply


He just nods and pulls a clipboard out of his briefcase. He then sits his glasses on the slope of his nose and says

"Now your written tests showed up perfect as usual as did the blood tests and its now official that your blood is clear from venom"

I don't react. He waits a moment before looking up and saying

"Aren't you happy?"

I say

"Yeah I guess...."

He puts his glasses along with his clipboard aside and balances his elbows on his knees whilst he asks me

"What is it now?"

I ask him


He says with a small laugh

"You've been told brilliant news yet your still sad. Your nearly better from wounds and venom, yout life is no longer at risk but still your looking glum and miserable. So what's the problem?"

I know I shouldn't but still I say

"I'm sick of this place"

He replies whilst packing his things into his briefcase

"Well that's not a bad thing..."

I look at him confused


He stands up and smiles

"Your ready to go home"

My heart leaps with joy. I'm going home.

I'm going to see Katniss.

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