Part 1, Chaper 3

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Sometime during the next day, the 11th of November, I decided to play a little joke on Connor and text something odd to him. As soon as I thought of my master plan, I whipped my phone out and giggled to myself as the text, and the joke, were coming to fruition.

"Jacob, Where are you? If you are out with your crazy friends again I promise you every door and window will be locked when you return" I sinked in my chair and scuffled around a bit, waiting on a reply. The phone buzzed lightly on my wooden desk and I jumped to grab it.

"You ain' clever, Sinclair."

I should have expected this. Connor was always sharp as his wit for comedy. Prehaps I lowkey texted him to read his messages in his voice, that soothing, deep, and mildly raspy voice. But alas, I decided to keep the joke up and acted like a pissy rich mother.

"If you keep on an' keeping this up i'll be forced to call you Clair from now on"

Although I found it amusing to be called Clair, its not something I wanted to stick.

"Fine, fine. How did you know it was me?"

"Well first of all, you just admitted. And secondly, you gave me your number a few days ago. Good goin'"

I cant say I'm at all confident about his image of me at the time. So I all but continued our conversation. A few minutes pass as I begin to write a little poetry to de-stess after that painful expirence with Connor. Halfway through my first stanza, my phone vibrates my desk again, seemingly louder than last time. I ignore it, eagerly trying to finish at least part of something for once. It buzzes again, and once more. Finally surrendering to the shaking of my phone, I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask into the microphone with the same monotone voice that always happens when that word is spoken.

"Yo! Sinclair, what's goin' on man?"

Why is Connor calling me now? I guess he's looking for "Jacobs Mother." Ha.
I must've been lost in thought about this because he hesitantly uttered some words under his breath.

"OHYEAH" I shouted out, jumping out of my trance.

"Yeah yeah, nothing much Connor!" I punched myself for acting so awkward.

"Oh..kay.." he muttered.
"Well if you dont have any plans, do you want to go an' hang today?"

I glanced over at the clock, 12:30. Why the hell not, I get to listen to his voice some more!

"Sure!" I reply with enthusiasm.

"Great! Can you meet me at my place around 1:30?"
I almost spurt out in agreement, but then I realized, where is his place?

"Hey, Connor"
"Where the hell is your place?"

I could hear cackling and a mocking tone.

"We live in the same general area, silly!"
"Well shit, my bad for not knowing" I blurt out sarcastically. Connor and I said our "Byes" and "Later yos" and I began to get ready.

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