Chapter Twenty-Six | Godric's Hollow, October 28 1981

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Godric's Hollow, October 28th 1981

            The large oak outside Potter house was a collage of bright red, oranges and gold's, all falling in a swirling kaleidoscope of colour down on Hazel and Lily a they played with their children in the front yard.

"Whee!" Hazel spun Andrew around, gently helping him land in the large pile of leaves. The three toddlers loved playing outside, and together they pushed the leaves around, looking like triplets lying in the pile in their fall clothing.

"Say cheese darlings!" said Lily, holding up her camera, beaming down at them. Hazel picked up Harry, kissing his cheek and nuzzling his neck.

"Who's my favourite godson?" she cooed, kissing his nose.

"Me!" Harry cried, one of the few words he knew how to say properly.

Tucking her camera into her pocket, Lily took a twin in each arm "We should go inside, James'll be home in a half hour, and I want to start supper before he gets back."

Heading back inside, they shed their coats and set the kids up just beyond the kitchen in their play pen in the living room. The Potter's cat, Jinx, sneaked between the bars and nuzzled them, enjoying the attention.

"We can just warm up that soup I brought," suggested Hazel "I'll make some garlic bread, too?"

"Sounds good."

They set to work, and they'd only been setting up for a few minutes when Hazel noticed Lily standing in front of the stove, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Lily?" rushing over, Hazel held her friend close "Lily – what's wrong? Lily?"

Sagging into her, Lily started to sob. Hazel led her over to the breakfast nook, worry etched into her face "Lily, please tell me what's wrong."

"I-I felt her-" cried Lily, emerald eyes full of tears and sorrow "I felt her kick."

"Felt who?" Hazel asked, eyes wide.

Looking up, Lily smiled tightly "My daughter."

"Oh." Staring at her blankly, Hazel tried to comprehend what she'd just learnt "Oh!"

Half laughing, half crying, Lily hugged Hazel tightly "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but honestly I had no idea until a few days ago – we've been so busy...I didn't even notice."

"How far along?"

"Sixteen weeks," she said "We found out just yesterday that it's a girl. Charlotte Hazel, after her Godmum."

The friends held onto each other for a few moments, not speaking. They let the news sink in, tried to grasp the reality of the situation.

"Not exactly the best time for another baby, but I'm honoured." Said Hazel in a choked voice.

"I know," laughed Lily "But I swear it was an accident; I was on the Muggle pill and the potion, as well as using Muggle contraceptive."

"Meant to be, I think." Said Hazel.

"Meant to be, yes- but utterly terrifying." Agreed Lily. "I'm so afraid Hazel; afraid for Harry and Fiona, for James and you and the twins...everything could go so horribly wrong."

Squeezing her friends shoulder, Hazel got up to stir the soup "Nothing will go wrong, Lily. We're too lucky in life for anything bad to happen."

Well, you are she thought I on the other hand...

"That's just the thing though!" she argued "We've been lucky so far, but what if this is were it ends? I lose the baby, he finds us, someone we love dies. It could all happen, and I lie awake thinking about it night after night-"

"Lily." Said Hazel soothingly, quickly peeking into the living room to see that the kids were all fast asleep, Jinx happily curled up with them. "You need to sleep, now more than ever – nothing will happen, I promise."

"What do you promise?" James walked through the back door then, beaming and pleased with his days work.

"Oh you know," Hazel said, going on her tip toes to hug him, winking at Lily over his shoulder "Just to spoil this second child as much as the first."

Dinner passed by quickly, Sirius showing up in the middle of it. The four talked over the Order and its progress, the kids and the new words they were learning and the new baby. James didn't like Fiona as much as he liked Charlotte, and Lily agreed to discuss it.

As the night drew to a close, Sirius got up to leave when hazel did.

"Let me take you and the twins home," he insisted, smiling kindly at her "I'll sleep much easier if I do."

Nodding, Hazel donned her cloak "Okay, but you have to help me get them to sleep, too – it's all or nothing Mister Black."

"Deal!" Sirius held the twins in his arms, humming to them as their eyelids drooped closed.

"G'night Lily." The friends hugged, and Hazel felt the tremors running through her friend.

"Promise me that you'll look after Harry, Hazel." Whispered Lily, low enough so neither her husband nor his best friend could hear "If anything happens...just look out for him. Please."

Nodding, Hazel blinked rapidly to keep the tears at bay "I promise."

As Hazel uttered the last words she would ever say to Lily Potter, she turned and walked away into the night with her children and the man that loved her, unsure what the light of day would bring.

A/N: Such, SUCH a bad chapter but whatever. I had to write it and that's what happened, so...oh well.

Question: What has been your favourite quote from the book so far?

Sorry again for this total ass of a chapter.


P.S The song on the side...was what I happened to be listening to. Sorry.

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