Chapter 4

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Hope you all liked the last chapter =D let me know please, and if you have any recomendations of stories to read then let me know.

Chapter 4


Beep!!!! A really loud car horn went outside just as me and grace were making our way out the from door. I almost fell down the steps outside with these heels on Im not used to wearing heels usualy I just go for a nice pair of pumps, far less hassle. As we approached the car with tinted windows I still couldnt see or guess who it was picking us up.

"You can have the front seat Jessie" Grace said sounding rather amused by something.

"Ok thanks gracey"

As I opened the car door and got ready to slip in to the very low sports car a wolf whislte came from the drivers seat " Looking gorgeous tonight girls" said a very smug sounding male voice. It was Bradley he shot me a cheeky wink as I slipped in to the car he also looked plesantly surprised at how I looked I wasnt sure if that was a good thing or if he didnt like it.

"Thanks braders" Grace said in a very flirty voice

"Jessie you look..." he paused which made me even more unsure as to whether he liked it or not there was a silence as he looked me up and down and grace giggled in the back seat. "Amazing" bradley finaly spat out. Grace piped up from the back seat "Amazingly Sexy dont you mean Braders" Bradley went bright red at grace's comment which didnt really help me figure out whether he liked me or not especialy when he didnt answer back.

"Right girls buckle up"

As he pulled away from our street I couldnt help but wonder who was all going to be there and if I was going to fit in with them all. In a way I hoped it would just be a small group of people but at the same time I was up for meeting some more people from school.

"Here we are ladies" Bradley said in a polite posh voice as me and grace chuckled

"Thank you parker" I joked, luckily bradley understood my joke while grace just looked lost "you know thunderbirds" I said but grace was none the wiser.

Bradley's house was huge and as we approched the from door I could hear loud music and people chatting away. His house was decorated very modernly and he had moved all of the furniture out of the living room so we had more room to mingle. There was only a small group of people at Bradley's house some of them I recognised from school but didnt know their names or anything over in the corner of the room with some of the jocks was brooke and hayley.

"Hey Jessie, Grace over here" Brooke yelled accross the room, I think she was rather tipsy.

"We are just going to get a drink be with you in a sec" Grace shouted back to the girls.

"Looking good Jessie" Shouted a voice from the living room it was Layton one of the jocks

"Thanks layton, not so bad yourself" I winked at him as me and grace went in search of alcohol.

I liked the fact that there wasnt too many people here and I felt more confident when I had seen who was all there, I think there was only four or five faces that I didnt recognise but im sure grace, brooke and hayley wouldnt waste anytime helping me meet everyone. Me and grace grabbed a drink from the kitchen and headed for the lounge where everyone seemed relaxed.

"Hi Jessie" Hayley was talking to me but looking at grace, I think she has had far to much to drink already and its only just passing 9.

"Hey hayley, Hi brooke"

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