Chapter 3

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Hi Everyone =D chapter 3 finally uploaded lots been going on so taken a few days, plus I have been reading some of my fans amazing stories well done everyone!

Chapter 3


The mall here was huge much bigger than previous mall's I had been to, there was so many different levels with loads of lovely shops each one totaly different from the last. In the middle of the mall there was a huge water fountain with people sitting all around it and childrent throwing pennies in making wishes.

"Lets go in here" Grace said pulling me in to one of her favourite clothes shops.

"Ooh I love this, you should try it on jessie" Brooke handed me a gorgeous pink dress which low cut and very fitted not really my kind of outfit but lovely all the same.

"Im not very sure about that one thanks though brooke, maybe you should try it on"

"How about this Jessie, it's super cute and so your colour" Hayley was holding up a lovely pink blouse which was loose fitting with different coloured butterflies all over. "you could team it with a lovely black skirt and some heels" Grace piped up.

Althought the clothes they were holding up were lovely I wasnt toltaly sure about them, I had never really been invited to a party before so I had no idea what I was looking for  and was really thankfull for the girls input. "pass them here then and I will go to the changing room" I said ounding rather unsure about my decision.

 Grace came in with me to try on her outfit at the same time, I had never been self-consious so didnt mind her coming in with me being a tiny size 8 I was lucky enough to have a lovely figure. As I pulled on the blouse I looked in the mirror "its very see through dont you think?" I said with a bit of worry in my voice "you can see my bra right through it".

"Its lovely Jessie, very sexy seeing your bra through your blouse isnt such a bad thing you know. wait till bradley sees" Grace shot me a small cheeky grin and a wink.

"What makes you think I want bradley too see?"

"I saw the way you two looked at each other at lunchtime jessie, dont tell me you arent crushing on him"

"He is lovely yeah but I dont think he is interested in me, I mean why would he be? look at me"

"Dont be so silly jessie, you are gorgeous any guy who dosent think you are attractive must be mental!"

"Thanks grace"I gave her a sweet smile and she grinned back. "So what about this outfit then grace? Do you think its too much or?"

"WOW! no its just perfect darling"

As I was about to step out of the changing room to show brooke and hayley my outfit my phone rang, it was my mother and then it clicked, I had forgotten to phone her and tell her where I was going. She was going to be so mad I could hear her in my head, Jessica-may what do you think you are playing at? you were supposed to be home an hour and a half ago!. As I answered the phone I prepared for an ear full.

"Hi mum"

"Jessica-May are you ok? Where are you? When do you plan on coming home?"

"Im at the mall with some girls from school mum, Im so sorry I forgot to phone you and let you know but I will be home in about half an hour"

"Ok jessica see you then"

"Bye mum"

"bye dear"

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