1 year later

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Twins first birthday

Auggie: Happy Birthday Madison and Elliott

Madison and Elliott just blankly stare at Auggie

Auggie: Still no actual words

Riley: They say words

Auggie: Momma and Dada are not actual words

Riley: They say bye and hi

Auggie: by waving

Riley: Aug, they're just babies give them time


uggie: It's taking forever

Riley: Patience

Topanga walks in

Topanga: What are you guys doing

Riley: Auggie is still being impatient with the twins

Topanga: Hey Aug, just because you were reading at 2 doesn't mean all babies can

Auggie: They barely talk

Topanga: In the next year they'll be talking so much you'll wish they would stop

Auggie: I doubt it

Topanga: OK

Riley: When are we going to the park

Topanga: Once your father gets back he went to the store

Riley: Ready for your party Maddie and Elliott

Madison and Elliott: *smiles and giggles*

Riley: It's so not fair they have your eyes Mom

Topanga: You don't like your eyes. I love them

Riley: Brown eyes are so typical. You either have Brown or Blue any other color you got lucky and you got lucky

Topanga: My eyes are green

Riley: Exactly green with blue and gray

Topanga: Just green

Riley: OK Mom

Cory walks in

Cory: I have all the stuff and it's in the car

Topanga: OK let's go

Cory and Topanga pick up the twins while Riley gets their diaper bag and they all walk out the door into their SUV and drive to the park

Auggie: People are already here

Topanga: Daycare frienss

They get out the car and walk over to the tables

Girl Meets Matthews Baby #3Where stories live. Discover now