Telling the Kids

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*Matthews houses*

Cory: Riley, Maya, and Auggie come here please

*They all walk out to the living room*

Riley: What's going on

Topanga: We have some important news to tell you kids

Maya: Including me

Topanga: Maya you're family

Maya: *smiles*

Auggie: What's going on

Cory: *picks Auggie up and puts him on his lap* Well kids your mom and I are having a baby

Riley: *smiles big* YAYYYYYYYY This is amazing, Maya

Maya: Another Matthews kid woah

Topanga: Auggie

Auggie: I though I was the baby *runs to his room crying*

Cory: Auggie *About to get up*

Topanga: *Stops him* I'll talk to him *goes to Auggie's room* Auggie Baby can I come in

Auggie: *crying* No leave

Topanga: Augs *sits on the edge of his bed* Please talk to me baby

Auggie: I am not your baby anymore

Topanga: Auggie you will always be my baby even Riley is still me baby

Auggie: I don't want a little brother or sister

Topanga: You will love the baby I promise and you know what you will always be my baby boy you were my first boy

Auggie: Did you love me when I was a baby

Topanga: Of course everyone loved you even Riley she was excited for you to arrive

Auggie: really

Topanga: Yes you were such an adorable baby and you still are, but your getting older

Auggie: *sits up* I'm sorry for running off mommy

Topanga: It's ok I understand

Auggie: I Love You

Topanga: I Love You too *gives him a hug* Come on let's go

*in the living room*

Cory: Are you ok Bubba

Auggie: Yes, Daddy I'm fine

Riley: Excited to be a big brother

Auggie: Yes

Riley: Good

Maya: I bet it's a girl

Auggie: No it's a boy

Riley: I agree with Auggie

Cory: Well no one will know until the baby is born

Topanga: Which will be in July

Auggie: *eyes widen* We have to wait that long

Maya: Yup Augs the baby has to grow in your mommy's stomach

Auggie: Oh wow this is going to take forever call me back in July *goes to his room*

Riley:*Laughs* he'll be back

Cory: Oh we know

Maya: So your going to be parents again for a third time are you nervous

Topanga: Absolutely, but we have each other so this will be fine

Cory: Yeah

Riley: When are you going to tell everyone

Cory: After the first trimester

Topanga: Just to make sure everything is safe

Riley: When did you tell people you were pregnant with me

Cory: As soon as we found out

Riley: Why

Topanga: It was very shocking news we were only living in New York for a year still in college with jobs and living with Eric and Shawn

Cory: We had to tell

Riley: So I wasn't planned

Topanga: No, but we definitely don't regret you You're the best thing to ever happen to us

Maya: Was Auggie planned

Cory: Kinda we planned to give Riley a sibling, but not necessarily that late

Maya: Oh

Riley: Well this should be excited. I didn't understand anything when Auggie was about to be born now I know everything. So that means I can help out

Topanga: Great we'll need it

Maya: Baby #3 here we come!!!!

Girl Meets Matthews Baby #3Where stories live. Discover now