One nights mistake

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Y/B/F/N = your best friends name

Your best friends is your best man

Prompt: You and Lauren are 25 and have been a couple since you were 15. You proposed to her 2 years ago in Paris on your anniversary. You were so excited and so was Lauren that was until this happened...

Lauren's P.O.V

I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I wipe my eyes to try and clear my vision, when it does I see a strange man lying next to me. I check under the covers and I froze at the sight. Me and the unknown man next to me were naked

Shit! No I did not just do that! I did not just sleep with some random guy! Please tell me it's a dream! Fuck I can't believe I did that! Y/n is never going to forgive me I just cheated on my fiancé of 2 years, my lover of 10 fucking years! How can I fix this? Can I fix this?

I hear the guy next to me groan as he wakes up

"Where am I?" He whispers. Shit, I recognise that voice. No no no no, not him please not him!

He turns around and I see his face turn to complete horror and mine is exactly the same

"Lauren? Shit, what are you doing here in my bed? Why am I naked? Oh shit... No please tell me we didn't" He questions no doubt hoping this is all a lie. It's not.

"What does it look like? Yes we did. We fucking slept together. I cheated on y/n, my fiancé and you're meant to be his best man" I start to cry

"Fuck. The wedding is the day after tomorrow, right?" He questions, rubbing his temple in frustration

"What?!? You think y/n is going to marry me once he finds out about what we did?" I scream at Y/B/F/N while putting my clothes back on

"What do you mean 'when he finds out'? Lauren you can't tell him, it'll break his heart. You know how sensitive he is and he'll never forgive me or you for this. We've been friends since day one" by now we were both yelling at each other. Does he seriously think I'm not telling y/n? I can't keep this from him, I just can't

"And? We had sex, we fucked, your dick entered my vagina, we did something we should not have done! Don't you get that? I have just done something I'll never forgive myself for! And y/n will never forgive me or you. I fucked up. We fucked up, I've lost y/n for good and so have you. I have to tell him, he has the right to know" tears rolled down my face one by one I tried to stop them but it was inevitable, I sat on Y/B/F/N's bed trying to calm down

"Lauren, if we tell him then that's it. No wedding, no honeymoon, no finding out you guys are having a baby and no happy ever after. You'll lose your chance of getting everything you've ever wanted with him" He sat by me and rubbed my back

"No one knows where you are. No one knows that you stayed the night here. So tell y/n that you went out with Camila, Normani, Ally and Dinah, which you did, but you got super drunk and didn't want him to see you in such a bad state. I was at the same clubs with friends from work, so I'll say that I brought you here so he didn't have to see you in that state and the girls went home before you so you couldn't go with them" he finished explaining 'our' cover up

I scoffed at his pathetic and pointless lie "Like y/n will believe that! He's seen me drunk before, then he'll wonder why you didn't take me home, then he'll put the pieces together. He'll find out Y/B/F/N, he'll find out. He's not stupid. He'll figure everything out" I tried to change his mind on lying to y/n but the more he talked I started to think maybe this was the only way to keep y/n, and we could have our happy ever after

"Think about this. Y/n trusts you. He trusts me. He'll believe us if we both say the same thing, ok?" Y/B/F/N pleads with me "Lauren I can't lose my main man, my brother" he starts to cry and I hug him knowing we both felt the same pain

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now