Chapter 2: Johnathan

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It was the middle of the night and i couldn't sleep. I had to get that game. I had to have it no matter the cost. "That's it!all I had to do was steal it. It's like getting something for free..." I got up from my bed and grabbed a jacket and left. As i made my way to the game store, i felt that someone was following me. As I look around I see nobody behind me "That's weird..." I reach the store and start to pick the lock then I hear a click and and I open the door. "Yes all that training paid off! I used to be in the Marines but i left after a few years cause i wanted to start a new life but apparently that didn't work out for me so much i ended up stealing because my job didn't give me so much money for my studies and also I love to steal. I go inside and look around then start looking for the game. I take out my flash light and start to scan the games then I stop and take it but as soon as I touch it I feel a sharp pain on the back of my neck. As I turn around I see a man dressed in black before I pass out.

Okay only 6 more characters and them the story can start so don't get mad and I know that this chapter is very short and I'm sorry about that, I promise that the next chapter will be longer and I might not update that much because of school (Damn you teachers, except my History and English teachers) Thanks for reading

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