Books monthly part 1

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Welcome to books monthly, where we search out the best books for you!!

          Check out this cool new story, our magazine discovered!!!

                     It’s called The coming storm by @IzeyAndMatilda.

                                                   Here's the link so you can check it out


              If that link isn’t enough for you, then here’s the description of the book!!! (:


There were five of us entrusted with the power to protect our planet.  We were scattered across Earth to better protect it.  I was in Arizona, one in Washington, two more in Rome and Egypt respectively, and the last one was in the Outback.  I had a vision of a darkness, something that we had never seen before.  I must find them before our world is at war with an unknown being.  We cannot stand by and watch Earth plunge into total darkness, as this ominous black storm cloud engulfs it.  We must defend her with our lives.  Things that were once thought of as myths and legends are now becoming painstakingly real.  I am Saundra Lara Sanders and I am an assassin…

                    The book review of The coming storm by @IzeyAndMatilda

After reading a few chapters of this book, I saw a whole new world, of stories/books. Those few chapters that I read, were so riveting,. I was practically on the edge of my seat. IIf any of you are looking for a good action packed, riveting, kick butt book, you should definitely read this one.

Give a round of applause to @IzeyAndMatilda, and their book The coming storm. *Audience applauds*

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