Gᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ Tʜᴀᴛ Tʜɪɢʜ Gᴀᴘ

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Hello Girlies!

It's Meghan again!

Having a great body is pretty awesome but also having a thigh gap is a total plus to a lot of people. But a lot of people don't know what to do to build there way to aching thigh gaps so right now I'm going to tell you Three ways of Gᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ Tʜᴀᴛ Tʜɪɢʜ Gᴀᴘ. And also some tips at the end of the chapter.

Let's Begin!!


First Way.

Hormonal Fixes


Step One.

 Wait out puberty. The surest way to a thigh gap, regardless of weight, is widened hips. If you're not quite through puberty, it's possible that your pelvis simply isn't wide enough yet. Most girls are finished developing around 16 or 17, but puberty can continue into the later teens in some cases. Try to be patient!

Don't resort to starving. Puberty involves a lot of growth and change, and you need plenty of nutrients and calories to pull it off. If you deprive yourself, you'll stunt the development of your figure. Accept that puberty takes years, not months. You might have a sudden growth spurt over a summer, but the physical transition from childhood to adulthood takes years. Try not to be discouraged if your development is taking longer than other girls you know. Know when to see a doctor. If you're 15 and haven't started menstruating, consider seeing a gynecologist. You might have another health condition that's delaying puberty.

Step Two.

Increase your estrogen levels. It's not quite the same as puberty, but taking in more estrogen can help your body fill out a more rounded form, which could mean wider hips for a thigh gap. Here's what to try:

Hormonal birth control: A derivative form of estrogen (called ethinylestradiol) is used in several birth control pills. Ask your gynecologist which one you should try. Eat phytoestrogens: These plant-based estrogens can mimic and supplement human hormones. You can eat the following foods, or take some of them in supplement form: Soy (soybeans, tempeh, tofu) Flaxseed Vitex (chasteberry) Fenugreek Pomegranate Yam Anise Fennel Mungbeans Don't over-exercise. Working out too much can dramatically lower your estrogen levels. If you tend to hit the gym a little to hard, pull back for a few months and see if your figure changes.

Step Three.

See a doctor. If you suspect that your hormones are seriously out of balance, make an appointment with a gynecologist or reproductive endocrinologist. A simple blood test can tell you a lot about what's wrong, and your doctor can prescribe the appropriate medications from there.


Second Way

Tone Your Thighs


Step One.

Do butterfly stretches. Sit down on the floor, with your back straight and upright. Bend your knees outward, and put the soles of your feet together. Draw your feet as close to your pelvis as you can without straining, and try to lower your thighs so that they're parallel to the ground. Hold for five to 10 seconds.

You might need to hold your feet together with your hands to do this stretch. That's OK! Be gentle. You may have seen people doing this stretch by flapping their knees vigorously up and down, like butterfly wings, but that's a quick way to injure yourself. Instead, aim to keep your movements slow and precise. Do a butterfly stretch before you start working out your thighs — it'll help loosen them up and prevent muscle tears.

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