Preference: When you're stressed

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Thomas is the sweetest you've ever seen him. He picks you flowers form the Glade and risks getting in trouble with the trackhoes to see you smile. He gives you hugs and warns other Gladers off your back until you're feeling better.


Minho is surprisingly gentle. He drags you away from all the stresses of your day and lies with you, stroking your hair and telling you his latest awful jokes and cheesy pickup lines until you start giggling.


Newt uses his power to get you the day off from your job and spends it with you. He takes you up the tree house as the sun goes down to stargaze with you, pointing out constellations and making up funny stories until you fall asleep.


Gally does everything in his power to relieve your stress. He'll take you on walks around the Glade hand in hand while he tells you everything he loves about you. He makes sure you get extra food at lunch and gives you long meaningful hugs.

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