The Schedule

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Set a workout schedule and STICK to it. It helps if you have a trainer because you have to be there as you have made the commitment. BUT unfortunately not everyone can have trainers so this is where you have to push yourself. Some great workouts can include swimming, running or bike riding, but these may not appeal to everyone.

Tip: pick a workout you actually enjoy. You might like to dance, walk your dog or do yoga, it's up to you.

Once you have found what you want to do make a schedule.

Monday- Swim & Waterpolo
Wednesday- Swim & Netball
Thursday- Waterpolo & run
Friday- Swim
Saturday- netball
Sunday- run & Waterpolo

It doesn't have to be this vigorous, this is just how I like to do it, also note that the schedule is constantly changing according to school work and seasons so make sure you have it written down somewhere where you will remember.

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