Just Who Is 'Kristin Roeglin'?

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Kristin Roeglin. The name brings fear to the hearts of anyone that happens to hear it. At least, anyone who knows about her legacy. The people who know about her go to Roseville High School. Anyone in her grade has lunch with her, and anyone who has lunch with her has, at some point, experienced the terror she brings.

Now you may ask yourself, 'what could be so scary about some high school girl', well... I'll answer that question with another question. What is the craziest thing thats ever happened to you? Now, depending on your answer, you may not find her antics to be so bad. Of course, if your answer is something plain like a random man, possibly a hobo, shoves you to the ground on the sidewalk randomly, well then, you definitely won't be thinking that if you happen to experience the terror of Kristin. But, if your answer is something like, kidnapped by a person and interrogated like you were assumed to be part of the illuminati, then you may just be slightly frightened.

What she happens to do in the lunch room is absolutely disgusting, undignified, weird, and beyond asking yourself, 'what did I just experience?'. If you feel like you're up to the challenge of knowing what she does, continue to the next chapter. If you don't, that's fine, because you may just be saving yourself from trauma that others won't be able to forget.

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